Thank you for contacting TI China E2E forum. Regarding your query, I compared customer's design with TPS25830-Q1 EVM schematic on page 3, no particularly issue errors were found. You can also share the EVM schematic to customer for reference.
Part Number: AM5718 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRA722 专家们好:
如标题所述,我使用TI的am5718作为处理器,sdk版本:ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-。因为是用于开发网络板,两个千兆以太网口外又用pru1实现了两路以太网口eth2和eth3,现在eth2和eth3已可以通信。板卡设计了spiFlash,现在可以在uboot阶段,通过setenv 命令分别设置了ethaddr…