(6) BQ40Z80: The number of cycles increases to 65535 - Power management forum - Power management - TI E2E support forums
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Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50-R1 HI : 关于BQ40z50-R1 learning Cycle期间,FC不置位,update status 04 没法更新到update status 05,而且有时候充电一直充不进去,请大神指点到底是单面原因造成的。 Thanks!
Part Number: BQ40Z50-R1 As requested, use 0.5c charge, 0.1c discharge, 4s capture data. After uploading to the website, the return message shows too large a difference between the data in the current chemical ID table, as shown in the attachment, suggesting…