Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2 Hello,
There are some battery on the market, and want to update the ASCD & AOLD parameters. There is an problem when update the parameters.
1. If flash the FM directly, the Calibrated Parameters will be reset.
2. If change the…
Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50 我在使用bq40z50-R4做无人机电池应用时遇到个问题。电池是2S1P的组合,电池容量1920mAh,典型的放电工况为4C~5C。测试电池满电开始放电的时候精度都可以接受,符合我们的预期,但是在测试20%和50%的时候表现就比较差,会影响无人机的策略执行,可以帮忙看看如何优化相关参数以提高非满电的精度吗?