Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1356668/processor-sdk-am62a-accessing-mcu-i2c-from-main 器件型号: PROCESSOR-SDK-…
Part Number: AM3352 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3359 硬件板卡: AM3359 BBB 和 AM3352 BBB(仅处理器区别)
软件环境: ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- 和 ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-
A. 使用ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-09.01.00…
Part Number: TLV320AIC3104 Hello
I am using linux4.19 kernel, chip is tlv320aic3104, and then the menuconfig configuration <*> Texas Instruments TLV320AIC3x CODECs, my device tree configuration when the audio input, I can control the output from bypass…