Part Number: DRV8231 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8220 , DRV8212 , DRV8210 Now customers are using SGM42505 to drive two water valves in Auto- A/C outdoor unit, TI have DRV8231/ DRV8220. Is there any comparison table between TI and SGM to show our…
Part Number: DRV8231 Hi,I have a question about DRV8231 If VM=20V Can IN1 be used as PWM, PWM outputs different values, causing out1 to output different values, such as 15V 10V, etc ths
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8231 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号: DRV8…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8231 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号: DRV8231 您好、团队成员: