Part Number: TMS320C6748 我的程序很简单,就是一个Led的循环亮灭,,debug模式下load out文件后,run起来程序运行不正常,Led灯不是按照程序设定时间闪烁,好像是从外挂的norflash加载了新程序,暂停程序仿真器就报下面的故障:
C674X_0: Power Failure on Target CPU
C674X_0: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting…
Part Number: TIDM-1000 请问在使用ti的vienna整流器时出现下面的错误是什么原因?
C28xx_CPU1: Error: (Error -1044 @ 0x0) The debug probe reported an error. Confirm debug probe configuration and connections, reset the debug probe, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 9.10…
Error in build step #15 (Make): Make process exited with code 2:
copy /Y "E:\plecs\support_package\tsp_ti_c2000\demos\simple_model\simple_model_codegen\ControlCard_TMS320F28379D…
Part Number: LP-EM-CC2340R5 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2340R5 标亮的是烧录失败的工程,其他的是烧录运行成功的,这些工程来自simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_10_01_02\examples\rtos\LP_EM_CC2340R5\ble5stack和simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_10_01_02\examples\rtos\LP_EM_CC2340R5\drivers …
你好,请问Cortex_M4_0: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1063 @ 0x0) Device ID is not recognized or is not supported by driver. Confirm device and debug probe configuration is correct, or update device driver. (Emulation package Cortex_M4_0…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。…
Part Number: AWR1642BOOST 我使用的是object_data_over_can例程,SDK版本为02_01_00_04,在烧写模式下烧录ccsdebug.bin文件后,切换为调试模式后进行加载,编译操作,在编译完ARM核和DSP核后,控制台报错:
C674X_0: Power Failure on Target CPU C674X_0: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting…