Part Number: LMX2492 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PLLATINUMSIM-SW , LMX2594
For Chirp signal genenrated by LMX2492+CHC2442, frequency .vs. time Chirp Linearity is critical for our application. However, Suggested by some experience, the actul generated Chirp Linearity qual…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2492EVM 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号: LMX2492EVM 尊敬的 TI 团队: …
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2492EVM , LMX2492 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号: LMX24…
Part Number: LMX2492
Our frequency synthesizer configuration is LMX2492+CHC2442, generating a Chirp signal with a time interval of 204us and a bandwidth of 50MHz. Our concern is that within the 204us duration, we need to traverse the entire 50MHz bandwidth. Does the LMX2492 need to perform f…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2491 , LMX2492 , LMX2492EVM 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号…
Hello, in order to better answer your questions, I have posted this question to the E2E forum, please pay attention to their reply.
Any questions, you could either follow up directly on E2E or here that I help to follow.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2492 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 器件型号: LMX2492 大家好、
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