Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS388A , SN65LVDS386 我想使用SN65LVDS388A芯片做LVDS与LVTTL间的信号转换,请问使能端该怎么接,为了保证信号常通,我可以直接把使能端接在VCC上吗,还是要通过一个固定阻值的电阻连接,另外,需要区分模拟地和数字地吗?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS388A , SN65LVDT388A Hi,
I have three questions regarding this part:
1. Can this part be operated from a 2.4 V supply?
2. If I want the output voltage range to be 0-2.4V, what should the supply voltage be?
3. what…