Part Number: TDA4AL-Q1 Dear TI
How to add a partiton with ext4 file system ?
Now it only has mmcblk0p1 "rootfs" We want to add mmcblk0p2 with ext4 file system
[u-boot] ==================================================
=> mmc info Device: mmc…
We tried a few lab experiments from our side, but could not replicate this issue. We are still actively working to understand this. Regarding below point, the e2e mainly talks about the firmware update within the device. The erratas in MCF8316A (not MCT8316A…
Part Number: AM3352 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65910 专家你好!
U-Boot SPL…
Part Number: TDA4VM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3168A , J721EXCPXEVM
Hi, Ti I would like to ask you a question. I am debugging ub960-ub953-imx390 now. The sensor has been loaded successfully, but how to capture pictures or video streams? Can you…
I did not personally design that EVM, but it is not uncommon to have restricted input voltage range. In this particular case, it has to do with the external UVLO set by R4 and R5. The typical start voltage is…
Part Number: MCT8329A Hello esteemed technical team! I use MCT8329A designed high power circuit board, I tried to debug it by myself for 60 working hours, and I always fail to reach the normal operation.
My brushless motor has a rated power of 1KW, a maximum…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM6442 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。…
Part Number: AM6422
These resistor is used for boot mode config.
FAE suggest us increase the R to 1K and refer EVM or SK schematics. If not increased the R, failures that can happen.
We use a buffer AVC8T245 which has output impedance (as below photo…