Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2991, , OPA991
本公司有用到OPA2171AID这个型号,但是一直处于OUT OF STOCK 状态,是否有可替代的型号推荐? 重点要有RFI Filtered Inputs 功能
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您好,您可以参考下OPA2991, 是OPA2771的升级版本,相对OPA2771来说.有着更低的offset, 更低的noise, 较高的slewrate以及输出驱动能力:
不好意思,我输错了,就是OPA2171的升级版本,可以用OPA2991来替代,OPA2991 的输入端集成了EMI抑制.
The OPAx991 uses integrated electromagnetic interference (EMI) filtering to reduce the effects of EMI from sources such as wireless communications and densely-populated boards with a mix of analog signal chain and digital components.
可以参考datasheet Table 7-1. OPA991 EMIRR IN+ for Frequencies of Interest: