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LM397: Negative pressure bearing capacity

Part Number: LM397

Figure 1 is the lm397 comparison circuit I designed, and Figure 2 is the lm397 spec, which shows that the input pins can withstand the minimum voltage of - 0.3V

My question is whether the comparator will be damaged when VREF = 2.5V and euvw voltage is - 0.5 or - 1V.

I don't think the device will be damaged. Due to the current limiting effect of R44, the current flowing into 1pin is very small

thank you


  • 您好,



  • 1.EUVW是直流电源负极线路上isense电阻两端的电压,电阻一端为GND,另一端EUVW电压=采样电流*采样电阻R。2.LM397单电源5V供电。3.R44与C25构成RC低通滤波。4.EUVW电压正常情况下是正电压,在特殊工况下电流会回流,EUVW电压会达到-0.5V。个人认为在单电源情况下,输入端是不能直接加-0.3V更低的负压的,但是,直接造成pin脚损坏不是电压而是电流,有1K电阻R44限流,所以-0.5V短时加在LM397输入1pin上也不会造成损坏,因为电流非常小。请帮忙确认,谢谢

  • 是的,LM397输入端电压是不能加小于-0.3V电压的,造成pin脚损坏的就是电压。您可以这样考虑,运放的输入阻抗比较大(理想情况下无穷大),外部串接1K电阻,相对于运放的输入阻抗,几乎可以忽略不计。如果是电流造成损坏的话,串接的1k电阻对输入电流的影响也可忽略不计。