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TLV5618A: 为什么B通道也会有微量电压出现?

Part Number: TLV5618A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF5020

void TLV5618_DAConvert(TLV5618_StatusTypeDef *p)
TLV5618_CS = 0;
p->_counter = Counter;
p->_vref = REF5020;
uint16_t SPD, Temp;
if(p->_SPD == 1)
SPD = 0x4000;
else SPD = 0x0000;
case Channel_A:
Temp = (p->_dataA & 0x0FFF) | SPD | 0x8000;
p->_dataS[0] = Temp >> 8 & 0x00FF;
p->_dataS[1] = Temp & 0x00FF;
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&spi_da, p->_dataS, 2, 5);
p->_VA = p->_vref * p->_dataA / p->_counter + 0.001;

主函数里面写A 通道值,B通道也有微量电压输出是什么原因?

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