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TUSB8041: Device enter DOWNLOAD mode NG by accorssing USB3.0 HUB

Part Number: TUSB8041

HI Sir

We have plan to implement TUSB8041 solution in our project.But we have not got TUSB8041EVM for pre-validation.

we found a issue by using oher manufacturer's HUB during our pre-validation.Please help to comfirm whether the TUSB8041 has the same issue.

The issue as belows:

Connected DEVICE, HUB, and PC as shown in the diagram,the device USB enumeration is OK.(Device is an Android board)

Then use the PC to send "adb reboot edl" command to DEVICE.normally,the USB enumeration will be redone,and the device will enter DOWNLOAD mode.

But we found some HUBs from other manufacturer will cause the device enter DOWNLOAD mode NG.

Could you please teach me the reason?

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