我正在尝试学习如何使用该器件、以便我们可以将其用于未来的项目。 目前、我只尝试了文档中列出的基本函数。 虽然设备似乎已被识别、但序列号的输出为-49或-2、通常为-49。 当我提到文档时,负数应该是错误代码,-49是写入超时。 我在做什么错? 我可以提供的唯一其他信息可能是值得注意的是、它也卡在"闪烁闪烁暂停"模式、前面有 LED。
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应用包装器函数、该函数检查 API 调用中的负状态代码并提高可读错误):
class USB2ANY: u2adll = U2A_ERRWrapper(ctypes.WinDLL(_DLL_PATH)) @classmethod def _FindControllers(cls) -> int: ''' Scan the USB, and return the total number of USB2ANY found. ''' return cls.u2adll.u2aFindControllers() @classmethod def _GetSerialNumber(cls, index: int) -> ctypes.c_buffer: ''' Returns a ctypes.c_buffer containing the ascii bytes corresponding to the serial number of a USB2ANY at the given index, with respect to the ordering determined by _FindControllers function. ''' buf = ctypes.c_buffer(40) # `40` is from SERNUM_LEN in USB2ANY_SDK.h status = cls.u2adll.u2aGetSerialNumber(index, buf) return buf @classmethod def Controllers(cls) -> List[ctypes.c_buffer]: ''' Returns a list of ctypes.c_buffers containing the serial numbers of all detected USB2ANY. ''' return [cls._GetSerialNumber(i) for i in range(cls._FindControllers())] def Open(self, controller: Optional[ctypes.c_buffer] = None) -> None: ''' Acquires a handle to the controller specified by the serial number. If controller argument is omitted, the handle will be acquired for the first USB2ANY enumerated. On failure, the handle is not assigned, and an exception is raised. ''' if controller is None: # use an empty buffer to select first U2A controller = ctypes.c_buffer(0) self._handle = self.u2adll.u2aOpen(controller)
I2C 函数太多了、API 手册的讲解不够到位。 有关事务函数的更详尽说明、请访问: https://e2e.ti.com/support/amplifiers-group/amplifiers/f/amplifiers-forum/1389829/usb2any-multibyte-i2c-transactions
请注意、如果您的应用在 I2C 总线上没有上拉电阻器、您可能需要启用 USB2ANY 的板载上拉电阻器、这需要启用3.3V 电源(u2aPower_Enable(HANDLE, 1, 2, 2)