器件型号:MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X 各位专家:
如何配置 CPSW 2G ALE 以根据 VLAN、以太网类型、源 MAC、目标 MAC、IP 地址等过滤数据包?
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如何配置 CPSW 2G ALE 以根据 VLAN、以太网类型、源 MAC、目标 MAC、IP 地址等过滤数据包?
地址查找引擎(ALE)是 CPSW 开关的子块、负责 处理所有接收到的数据包并确定数据包目标端口。 ALE 使用 传入的数据包数据来确定应如何转发数据包。 ALE 将 端口掩码输出 到指示数据包目标端口的交换结构。
程序员可以使用 ALE 的功能来设置复杂的规则、以便:
示例1:配置 ALE 以根据 VLAN 过滤数据包:
uint32_t vlan_id = 4U; /* Sample VLAN ALE entry Code. ALE will drop any packet without this VLAN ID tag*/ /*Add inner/outer VLAN entry. IOCTL CMD: CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_VLAN IOCTL params: inArgs: CpswAle_VlanEntryInfo outArgs: uint32_t Calling context: Task*/ void EnetApp_setVlanAle(EnetApp_PerCtxt *perCtxt) { int32_t status; Enet_IoctlPrms prms; CpswAle_VlanEntryInfo addVlanEntryAleInArgs; uint32_t outArgs; /* Set the Vlan configuration, Depending on need other parameters can also be used, Here we have used 3 params*/ addVlanEntryAleInArgs.vlanIdInfo.tagType = ENET_VLAN_TAG_TYPE_INNER; addVlanEntryAleInArgs.vlanIdInfo.vlanId = vlan_id ; addVlanEntryAleInArgs.vidIngressCheck = 1U; ENET_IOCTL_SET_INOUT_ARGS(&prms, &addVlanEntryAleInArgs, &outArgs); ENET_IOCTL(perCtxt->hEnet, gEnetApp.coreId, CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_VLAN, &prms, status); if (status != ENET_SOK) { EnetAppUtils_print("\nEnetApp_setVlanAle() failed CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_VLAN : %d\n", status); } else { EnetAppUtils_print("\nFiltering Enabled for VLAN ID " , addVlanEntryAleInArgs.vlanIdInfo.vlanId)); } }
示例 2:将 ALE 配置为根据 UCAST MAC 地址过滤数据包:
static uint8_t testSrcAddr[ENET_MAC_ADDR_LEN] = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08 }; /* Sample UCAST MAC ADDR ALE entry Code. ALE will drop any packet with src or dst address as this mac address */ /*Add inner/outer VLAN entry. IOCTL CMD: CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_UCAST IOCTL params: inArgs: CpswAle_SetUcastEntryInArgs outArgs: uint32_t */ void EnetApp_addUcastMacAddrAleEntry(EnetApp_PerCtxt *perCtxt) { int32_t status; Enet_IoctlPrms prms; CpswAle_SetUcastEntryInArgs addUcastMacAleInArgs; uint32_t outArgs; /* Set the Vlan configuration, Depending on need other parameters can also be used, Here we have used 3 params*/ memcpy(&addUcastMacAleInArgs.addr.addr[0U], testSrcAddr, sizeof(addUcastMacAleInArgs.addr.addr)); addUcastMacAleInArgs.blocked = 1U; ENET_IOCTL_SET_INOUT_ARGS(&prms, &addUcastMacAleInArgs, &outArgs); ENET_IOCTL(perCtxt->hEnet, gEnetApp.coreId, CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_UCAST, &prms, status); if (status != ENET_SOK) { EnetAppUtils_print("\EnetApp_addUcastMacAddrAleEntry() failed CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_ADD_UCAST : %d\n", status); } else { EnetAppUtils_print("\nFiltering Enabled on MAC Addr ")); EnetAppUtils_printMacAddr(testSrcAddr); }