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[参考译文] TM4C129EKCPDT:TI-RTOS 定时器优先级设置

Guru**** 1821780 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C129EKCPDT


大家好、我正在处理 TM4C129EKCPDT 和 TI-RTOS 计时器。

两个计时器都在工作。  我想设置计时器优先级。  

Timer_handle   Timer1、 timer2;  

Timer_Params Timer1_ISR_params;
Timer_Params_init (&Timer1_ISR_params);
Timer1_ISR_params.period = 10;           //间隔10us

Timer_Params timer2_ISR_params;
Timer_Params_init (&timer2_ISR_params);
timer2_ISR_params.period = 1;           //间隔1us

Timer1 = Timer_create (Timer_any、Timer1_ISR、&Timer1_ISR_params、&EB_task);//为电容组充电创建计时器
if (Timer1 ==空)

System_abort ("*** Timer1创建失败***");

Timer_stop (Timer1 );

timer2 = Timer_create (Timer_any、timer2_ISR、&timer2_ISR_params、&EB_task);//为电容组充电创建计时器
if (timer2 ==空)

system_abort ("*** timer2 Create Fail***");

Timer_stop (timer2);