我正在尝试读取与 Arduino Uno 连接的 ads1218 ADC 的数据。 我已经在 AIN0 (+ve)和 AIN1 (-ve)中连接了5V 直流输入、4Mhz 晶体振荡器(2个22pF 电容器并联)用于 XIN 和 XOUT 引脚、fosc=4Mhz、fMOD =31.25kHz、PGA=1。 我的连接如下:
由于 Arduino 时钟为16MHz 且 fosc 为4Mhz、因此根据数据表、SCLK 周期可用于高达4tosc 周期(高达1MHz)、因此使用 SPI 时钟分频函数(SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16)、Arduino SPI 时钟可分频为1MHz 电平。
#include <SPI.h> #define RESET 0x06 //Send the RESET command (06h) to make sure the ADS1220 is properly reset after power-up #define START 0x08 //Send the START/SYNC command (08h) to start converting in continuous conversion mode // define the ads1218 command #define RDATA 0x01 // read the latest ad conversion data #define WREG 0x50 // 2 byte command, write data to register 0-15 #define DSYNC 0xFC // Sync DRDY #define RESET 0xFE // reset the register to the power of the data, stop the continuous read mode, does not affect the ram data #define ADS1218_CS_PIN 7 #define ADS1218_DRDY_PIN 6 int32_t stat; void syncSerialData(void) { noInterrupts(); digitalWrite(ADS1218_CS_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(500); SPI.transfer(DSYNC); delayMicroseconds(500); digitalWrite(ADS1218_CS_PIN, HIGH); interrupts(); delay(2000); } void waitForDataReady(int timeOut) //wait for data ready { // wait for /DRDY = 1 while ((digitalRead(ADS1218_DRDY_PIN)) != LOW); // wait for /DRDY = 0 while ((digitalRead(ADS1218_DRDY_PIN)) == LOW); } void setup() { pinMode(ADS1218_CS_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ADS1218_CS_PIN, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // SCLK upto 4tosc periods // setup register (00) SPI.transfer(0x50); SPI.transfer(0x1E); //speed:4Mhz ; fmod:fosc/256,ref enable,2.5Vref,,buffer enable,bit order:0 MSB first // Setting the MUX register channel requirement SPI.transfer(0x51);// write command: 0101 mux address(01) SPI.transfer(0x05); // wreg -1(6 register to write due to 6 channels) SPI.transfer(0x01); // ain0 and ain1 // Write command to address 02 SPI.transfer(0x52); // analog control register SPI.transfer(0x00);// PGA set to 1 syncSerialData(); // Sync Data Ready with Serial clock edge delay(50); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ADS1218_CS_PIN, LOW); //Take CS low SPI.transfer(RDATA); delayMicroseconds(12.5); // used:4Mhz (50tosc)) stat= SPI.transfer(0) ; stat = (stat<<8) | SPI.transfer(0); stat = (stat<<8) | SPI.transfer(0); digitalWrite(ADS1218_CS_PIN, HIGH); // Clear CS to high if (stat & 0x800000 ) { stat = (stat | 0xFF000000); } Serial.println(stat); delay(50); // }