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[参考译文] TDA4VM:模型编译输出与预期值不匹配

Guru**** 666710 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-TDA4VM


我正在尝试构建一个自定义脚本、用于将 ONNX 模型编译到 TIDL 工件中、以便可以将其集成到我的 DL 流水线中。

实现这一目标的第一步应该是简单直接的、只需从 (从 edgeai-tidl-tools repo 复制并粘贴关键部分)。 然而、当我尝试使用与 相同的配置和校准图像来编译一个示例模型(deeplabv3light_mobilenetv2.onnx)时、使用伪影对图像的推理与使用示例脚本的输出有太大不同:


  • 基于 ubuntu18在 Docker 容器中配置环境
  • edgeai-tidl-tools 安装在/home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools 上
  • 将存储库签出为标签08_05_00_11
  • rhe 脚本~/edgeai-tidl-tools/examples/osrt_python/ort/ 成功地运行在我的自定义脚本执行前,因此 .onnx 文件 下载和已经优化通过  
  • 在运行这两个脚本之前设置这些环境变量:export DEVICE=J7 && export SOC=am68pa  
  • 我的自定义脚本活在~/ edgeai-tidl-tools dierctory 中


import onnxruntime as rt
import onnx
import numpy as np

import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import os

from PIL import Image

os.environ["TIDL_RT_PERFSTATS"] = "1"
so = rt.SessionOptions()

input_model_path = Path('/home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools/models/public/deeplabv3lite_mobilenetv2.onnx')

output_dir = Path('./convertedModel/')
artifacts_dir = output_dir / 'artifacts'
artifacts_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

active_model_path = output_dir /

required_options = {
"tidl_tools_path": '/home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools/tidl_tools',
"artifacts_folder": str(artifacts_dir)
optional_options = {
"deny_list":"", #"MaxPool"
"advanced_options:calibration_frames": 2,
"advanced_options:calibration_iterations": 5,
"advanced_options:output_feature_16bit_names_list" : "",
"advanced_options:params_16bit_names_list" : "",
"advanced_options:mixed_precision_factor" :  -1,
"advanced_options:quantization_scale_type": 0,
"advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization": 0,
"advanced_options:pre_batchnorm_fold" : 1,
"ti_internal_nc_flag" : 1601,
"advanced_options:activation_clipping" : 1,
"advanced_options:weight_clipping" : 1,
"advanced_options:bias_calibration" : 1,
"advanced_options:add_data_convert_ops" : 0,
"advanced_options:channel_wise_quantization" : 0
delegate_options = {}

# Model compilation
onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes_path(str(input_model_path), str(active_model_path))

EP_list = ['TIDLCompilationProvider','CPUExecutionProvider']
compilation_session = rt.InferenceSession(str(active_model_path) ,providers=EP_list, provider_options=[delegate_options, {}], sess_options=so)

path_calibation_images = [

input_name = compilation_session.get_inputs()[0].name
for path_sample in path_calibation_images:
    calib_image ='RGB').resize([512,512])
    calib_image = np.array(calib_image).astype(np.uint8)
    calib_image = np.expand_dims(calib_image, [0]).transpose([0,3,1,2])
    calibration_output = list(, {input_name : calib_image}))

# Inference TIDL
test_image ='./person_and_car.jpg').convert('RGB').resize([512,512])
test_image = np.array(test_image).astype(np.uint8)
test_image = np.expand_dims(test_image, [0]).transpose([0,3,1,2])

EP_list = ['TIDLExecutionProvider','CPUExecutionProvider']
inference_session_custom_script = rt.InferenceSession(str(active_model_path) ,providers=EP_list, provider_options=[delegate_options, {}], sess_options=so)

input_name = inference_session_custom_script.get_inputs()[0].name
inference_output_custom_script = list(, {input_name : test_image}))[0]

processed_image_custom_script = np.squeeze(inference_output_custom_script)
processed_image_custom_script = Image.fromarray(processed_image_custom_script.astype(np.uint8)) / 'processed_image_custom_script.png'))

# Inference
ti_script_artifacts_path = Path('/home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools/model-artifacts/ss-ort-deeplabv3lite_mobilenetv2/')
ti_script_model_path = ti_script_artifacts_path / 'deeplabv3lite_mobilenetv2.onnx'

delegate_options_ti_script = delegate_options
delegate_options_ti_script['artifacts_folder'] = str(ti_script_artifacts_path)

EP_list = ['TIDLExecutionProvider','CPUExecutionProvider']
inference_session_ti_script = rt.InferenceSession(str(ti_script_model_path) ,providers=EP_list, provider_options=[delegate_options_ti_script, {}], sess_options=so)

input_name = inference_session_ti_script.get_inputs()[0].name
inference_output_ti_script = list(, {input_name : test_image}))[0]

processed_image_ti_script = np.squeeze(inference_output_ti_script)
processed_image_ti_script = Image.fromarray(processed_image_ti_script.astype(np.uint8)) / 'processed_image_ti_script.png'))

# Inference ONNX
EP_list = ['CPUExecutionProvider']
inference_session_onnx = rt.InferenceSession(str(active_model_path) ,providers=EP_list, sess_options=so)

input_name = inference_session_onnx.get_inputs()[0].name
inference_output_onnx = list(, {input_name : test_image}))

processed_image_onnx = np.squeeze(inference_output_onnx)
processed_image_onnx = Image.fromarray(processed_image_onnx.astype(np.uint8)) / 'processed_image_onnx.png'))


root@7b296843265d:/home/root/ModelCompilation# python3
tidl_tools_path                                 = /home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools/tidl_tools 
artifacts_folder                                = convertedModel/artifacts
tidl_tensor_bits                                = 8
debug_level                                     = 1
num_tidl_subgraphs                              = 16
tidl_denylist                                   =
tidl_denylist_layer_name                        =
tidl_denylist_layer_type                         =
model_type                                      =
tidl_calibration_accuracy_level                 = 7
tidl_calibration_options:num_frames_calibration = 2
tidl_calibration_options:bias_calibration_iterations = 5
mixed_precision_factor = -1.000000
model_group_id = 0
power_of_2_quantization                         = 2
enable_high_resolution_optimization             = 0
pre_batchnorm_fold                              = 1
add_data_convert_ops                          = 0
output_feature_16bit_names_list                 =
m_params_16bit_names_list                       =
reserved_compile_constraints_flag               = 1601
ti_internal_reserved_1                          =

 ****** WARNING : Network not identified as Object Detection network : (1) Ignore if network is not Object Detection network (2) If network is Object Detection network, please specify "model_type":"OD" as part of OSRT compilation options******

Supported TIDL layer type ---            Cast --  
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add --
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Mul --
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 369
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.1.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 372
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.1.conv.1
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.2.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 377
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.2.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 380
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.2.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.3.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 385
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.3.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 388
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.3.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 391
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.4.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 394
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.4.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 397
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.4.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.5.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 402
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.5.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 405
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.5.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 408
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.6.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 411
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.6.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 414
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.6.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 417
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.7.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 420
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.7.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 423
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.7.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.8.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 428
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.8.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 431
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.8.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 434
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.9.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 437
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.9.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 440
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.9.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 443
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.10.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 446
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.10.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 449
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.10.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 452
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.11.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 455
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.11.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 458
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.11.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.12.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 463
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.12.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 466
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.12.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 469
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.13.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 472
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.13.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 475
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.13.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 478
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.14.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 481
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.14.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 484
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.14.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.15.conv.0.0 
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 489
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.15.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 492
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.15.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 495
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.16.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 498
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.16.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 501
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.16.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---             Add -- 504
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.17.conv.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 507
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.17.conv.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 510
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- encoder.features.17.conv.2
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra3.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 533
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra3.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 536
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra2.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 527
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra2.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 530
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra1.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 521
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_bra1.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 524
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.conv1x1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 518
Supported TIDL layer type ---          Concat -- 537
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.aspp.aspp_out.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 540
Supported TIDL layer type ---          Resize -- 571
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.shortcut.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Relu -- 515
Supported TIDL layer type ---          Concat -- 516
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.pred.0.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Conv -- decoders.0.pred.1.0
Supported TIDL layer type ---          Resize -- 576
Supported TIDL layer type ---          ArgMax -- 565
Supported TIDL layer type ---            Cast --

Preliminary subgraphs created = 1
Final number of subgraphs created are : 1, - Offloaded Nodes - 124, Total Nodes - 124 
INFORMATION -- [TIDL_ResizeLayer]  Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
INFORMATION -- [TIDL_ResizeLayer]  Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
Running runtimes graphviz - /home/root/edgeai-tidl-tools/tidl_tools/tidl_graphVisualiser_runtimes.out convertedModel/artifacts/allowedNode.txt convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/graphvizInfo.txt convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/runtimes_visualization.svg
*** In TIDL_createStateImportFunc *** 
Compute on node : TIDLExecutionProvider_TIDL_0_0
  0,            Cast, 1, 1, input.1Net_IN, TIDL_cast_in
  1,             Add, 2, 1, TIDL_cast_in, TIDL_Scale_In
  2,             Mul, 2, 1, TIDL_Scale_In, input.1
  3,            Conv, 3, 1, input.1, 369
  4,            Relu, 1, 1, 369, 370
  5,            Conv, 3, 1, 370, 372
  6,            Relu, 1, 1, 372, 373
  7,            Conv, 3, 1, 373, 375
  8,            Conv, 3, 1, 375, 377
  9,            Relu, 1, 1, 377, 378
 10,            Conv, 3, 1, 378, 380
 11,            Relu, 1, 1, 380, 381
 12,            Conv, 3, 1, 381, 383
 13,            Conv, 3, 1, 383, 385
 14,            Relu, 1, 1, 385, 386
 15,            Conv, 3, 1, 386, 388
 16,            Relu, 1, 1, 388, 389
 17,            Conv, 3, 1, 389, 391
 18,             Add, 2, 1, 383, 392
 19,            Conv, 3, 1, 392, 515
 20,            Relu, 1, 1, 515, 516
 21,            Conv, 3, 1, 392, 394
 22,            Relu, 1, 1, 394, 395
 23,            Conv, 3, 1, 395, 397
 24,            Relu, 1, 1, 397, 398
 25,            Conv, 3, 1, 398, 400
 26,            Conv, 3, 1, 400, 402
 27,            Relu, 1, 1, 402, 403
 28,            Conv, 3, 1, 403, 405
 29,            Relu, 1, 1, 405, 406
 30,            Conv, 3, 1, 406, 408
 31,             Add, 2, 1, 400, 409
 32,            Conv, 3, 1, 409, 411
 33,            Relu, 1, 1, 411, 412
 34,            Conv, 3, 1, 412, 414
 35,            Relu, 1, 1, 414, 415
 36,            Conv, 3, 1, 415, 417
 37,             Add, 2, 1, 409, 418
 38,            Conv, 3, 1, 418, 420
 39,            Relu, 1, 1, 420, 421
 40,            Conv, 3, 1, 421, 423
 41,            Relu, 1, 1, 423, 424
 42,            Conv, 3, 1, 424, 426
 43,            Conv, 3, 1, 426, 428
 44,            Relu, 1, 1, 428, 429
 45,            Conv, 3, 1, 429, 431
 46,            Relu, 1, 1, 431, 432
 47,            Conv, 3, 1, 432, 434
 48,             Add, 2, 1, 426, 435
 49,            Conv, 3, 1, 435, 437
 50,            Relu, 1, 1, 437, 438
 51,            Conv, 3, 1, 438, 440
 52,            Relu, 1, 1, 440, 441
 53,            Conv, 3, 1, 441, 443
 54,             Add, 2, 1, 435, 444
 55,            Conv, 3, 1, 444, 446
 56,            Relu, 1, 1, 446, 447
 57,            Conv, 3, 1, 447, 449
 58,            Relu, 1, 1, 449, 450
 59,            Conv, 3, 1, 450, 452
 60,             Add, 2, 1, 444, 453
 61,            Conv, 3, 1, 453, 455
 62,            Relu, 1, 1, 455, 456
 63,            Conv, 3, 1, 456, 458
 64,            Relu, 1, 1, 458, 459
 65,            Conv, 3, 1, 459, 461
 66,            Conv, 3, 1, 461, 463
 67,            Relu, 1, 1, 463, 464
 68,            Conv, 3, 1, 464, 466
 69,            Relu, 1, 1, 466, 467
 70,            Conv, 3, 1, 467, 469
 71,             Add, 2, 1, 461, 470
 72,            Conv, 3, 1, 470, 472
 73,            Relu, 1, 1, 472, 473
 74,            Conv, 3, 1, 473, 475
 75,            Relu, 1, 1, 475, 476
 76,            Conv, 3, 1, 476, 478
 77,             Add, 2, 1, 470, 479
 78,            Conv, 3, 1, 479, 481
 79,            Relu, 1, 1, 481, 482
 80,            Conv, 3, 1, 482, 484
 81,            Relu, 1, 1, 484, 485
 82,            Conv, 3, 1, 485, 487
 83,            Conv, 3, 1, 487, 489
 84,            Relu, 1, 1, 489, 490
 85,            Conv, 3, 1, 490, 492
 86,            Relu, 1, 1, 492, 493
 87,            Conv, 3, 1, 493, 495
 88,             Add, 2, 1, 487, 496
 89,            Conv, 3, 1, 496, 498
 90,            Relu, 1, 1, 498, 499
 91,            Conv, 3, 1, 499, 501
 92,            Relu, 1, 1, 501, 502
 93,            Conv, 3, 1, 502, 504
 94,             Add, 2, 1, 496, 505
 95,            Conv, 3, 1, 505, 507
 96,            Relu, 1, 1, 507, 508
 97,            Conv, 3, 1, 508, 510
 98,            Relu, 1, 1, 510, 511
 99,            Conv, 3, 1, 511, 513
100,            Conv, 3, 1, 513, 518
101,            Relu, 1, 1, 518, 519
102,            Conv, 3, 1, 513, 521
103,            Relu, 1, 1, 521, 522
104,            Conv, 3, 1, 522, 524
105,            Relu, 1, 1, 524, 525
106,            Conv, 3, 1, 513, 527
107,            Relu, 1, 1, 527, 528
108,            Conv, 3, 1, 528, 530
109,            Relu, 1, 1, 530, 531
110,            Conv, 3, 1, 513, 533
111,            Relu, 1, 1, 533, 534
112,            Conv, 3, 1, 534, 536
113,            Relu, 1, 1, 536, 537
114,          Concat, 4, 1, 519, 538
115,            Conv, 3, 1, 538, 540
116,            Relu, 1, 1, 540, 541
117,          Resize, 3, 1, 541, 551
118,          Concat, 2, 1, 551, 552
119,            Conv, 3, 1, 552, 554
120,            Conv, 2, 1, 554, 555
121,          Resize, 3, 1, 555, 565
122,          ArgMax, 1, 1, 565, 566
123,            Cast, 1, 1, 566, 566TIDL_cast_out

Input tensor name -  input.1Net_IN
Output tensor name - 566TIDL_cast_out
In TIDL_onnxRtImportInit subgraph_name=566TIDL_cast_out
Layer 0, subgraph id 566TIDL_cast_out, name=566TIDL_cast_out
Layer 1, subgraph id 566TIDL_cast_out, name=input.1Net_IN
In TIDL_runtimesOptimizeNet: LayerIndex = 126, dataIndex = 125

 ************** Frame index 1 : Running float import *************
In TIDL_runtimesPostProcessNet
INFORMATION: [TIDL_ResizeLayer] 571 Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
INFORMATION: [TIDL_ResizeLayer] 576 Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
WARNING: [TIDL_E_DATAFLOW_INFO_NULL] Network compiler returned with error or didn't executed, this model can only be used on PC/Host emulation mode, it is not expected to work on target/EVM.
**          3 WARNINGS          0 ERRORS          **
************ in TIDL_subgraphRtCreate ************
 The soft limit is 2048
The hard limit is 2048
MEM: Init ... !!!
MEM: Init ... Done !!!
 0.0s:  VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled
 0.16s:  VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled
 0.19s:  VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled
 0.3255s:  VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:184] Initialization Done !!!
************ TIDL_subgraphRtCreate done ************ 
 *******   In TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke  ******** 
 Layer,   Layer Cycles,kernelOnlyCycles, coreLoopCycles,LayerSetupCycles,dmaPipeupCycles, dmaPipeDownCycles, PrefetchCycles,copyKerCoeffCycles,LayerDeinitCycles,LastBlockCycles, paddingTrigger,    paddingWait,LayerWithoutPad,LayerHandleCopy,   BackupCycles,  RestoreCycles,

     1,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,                 0,              0,                 0,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,   
           0,              0,              0,
 Sum of Layer Cycles 0
Sub Graph Stats 590.000000 7308169.000000 1098.000000
*******  TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke done  ********

**********  Frame Index 1 : Running float inference **********
*******   In TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke  ******** 
 Layer,   Layer Cycles,kernelOnlyCycles, coreLoopCycles,LayerSetupCycles,dmaPipeupCycles, dmaPipeDownCycles, PrefetchCycles,copyKerCoeffCycles,LayerDeinitCycles,LastBlockCycles, paddingTrigger,    paddingWait,LayerWithoutPad,LayerHandleCopy,   BackupCycles,  RestoreCycles,

     1,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,                 0,              0,                 0,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,   
           0,              0,              0,

 Sum of Layer Cycles 0
Sub Graph Stats 339.000000 8012666.000000 5055.000000
*******  TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke done  ********

**********  Frame Index 2 : Running fixed point mode for calibration **********
In TIDL_runtimesPostProcessNet

~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    9205.90  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    8825.61  .... ..... ... .... .....
~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    6959.97  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    6545.05  .... ..... ... .... .....

 *****************   Calibration iteration number 0 completed ************************

 ~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    7138.41  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    7795.76  .... ..... ... .... .....

 *****************   Calibration iteration number 1 completed ************************

~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    8064.94  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    7933.37  .... ..... ... .... .....

 *****************   Calibration iteration number 2 completed ************************

~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    6983.47  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    7395.72  .... ..... ... .... .....

 *****************   Calibration iteration number 3 completed ************************

~~~~~Running TIDL in PC emulation mode to collect Activations range for each layer~~~~~

Processing config file #0 : /home/root/ModelCompilation/convertedModel/artifacts/tempDir/566TIDL_cast_out_tidl_io_.qunat_stats_config.txt
 ----------------------- TIDL Process with REF_ONLY FLOW ------------------------

#    0 . .. T    6909.32  .... ..... ... .... .....
#    1 . .. T    7225.14  .... ..... ... .... .....

 *****************   Calibration iteration number 4 completed ************************

------------------ Network Compiler Traces -----------------------------
successful Memory allocation
INFORMATION: [TIDL_ResizeLayer] 571 Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
INFORMATION: [TIDL_ResizeLayer] 576 Any resize ratio which is power of 2 and greater than 4 will be placed by combination of 4x4 resize layer and 2x2 resize layer. For example a 8x8 resize will be replaced by 4x4 resize followed by 2x2 resize.
**          2 WARNINGS          0 ERRORS          **
libtidl_onnxrt_EP loaded 0x6bff990 
artifacts_folder                                = convertedModel/artifacts 
debug_level                                     = 1
target_priority                                 = 0
max_pre_empt_delay                              = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000
Final number of subgraphs created are : 1, - Offloaded Nodes - 124, Total Nodes - 124 
In TIDL_createStateInfer 
Compute on node : TIDLExecutionProvider_TIDL_0_0
************ in TIDL_subgraphRtCreate ************
 ************ TIDL_subgraphRtCreate done ************ 
 *******   In TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke  ******** 
 Layer,   Layer Cycles,kernelOnlyCycles, coreLoopCycles,LayerSetupCycles,dmaPipeupCycles, dmaPipeDownCycles, PrefetchCycles,copyKerCoeffCycles,LayerDeinitCycles,LastBlockCycles, paddingTrigger,    paddingWait,LayerWithoutPad,LayerHandleCopy,   BackupCycles,  RestoreCycles,

     1,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,                 0,              0,                 0,              0,              0,              0,              0,              0,   
           0,              0,              0,
 Sum of Layer Cycles 0
Sub Graph Stats 170.000000 1235536.000000 822.000000
*******  TIDL_subgraphRtInvoke done  ********
************ in TIDL_subgraphRtDelete ************ 
 ************ in TIDL_subgraphRtDelete ************ 
 MEM: Deinit ... !!!
MEM: Alloc's: 54 alloc's of 782360197 bytes
MEM: Free's : 54 free's  of 782360197 bytes
MEM: Open's : 0 allocs  of 0 bytes
MEM: Deinit ... Done !!!


PS:警告"警告:[TIDL_E_dataflow_info_NULL]网络编译器返回错误或未执行、此模型只能用于 PC/主机仿真模式、预计不能在目标/EVM 上工作。
"也是由 脚本激发的、但生成的模型在 SK-TDA4VM 上仍呈现~10ms 的运行时。

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    从布置的推理结果来看、TIDL 似乎能提供正确的结果。

    对于您的定制编译脚本、您是否能够验证您的自定义脚本结果的仅 ARM 模式的推理结果? (这将是您的参考点)

    如果要与 TIDL 推理结果进行比较、我们建议确保所有编译参数在理想情况下都相同。



    我们还有相应的条件标志设置、您可以查看 文件。

    if (quantization_scale_type == 3):
        data_convert = 0




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    将"advanced_options:add_data_convert_ops"从0更改为3解决了开箱即用模型的问题。 我用 tidgeai-tools 库作为参考、这是 中使用的值。 正如我所做的那样、示例脚本将"quantization_scale_type"设置为0。


    左到右:自定义转换脚本;ti 示例转换脚本;非量化模型  

    不过、在设置"advanced_options:add_data_convert_ops"=3以量化自定义模型后、如果在 SK-TDA4VM 上运行、新模型将在运行时崩溃。 我仍在研究为什么会发生这种情况,但我知道""脚本嵌入了输入转换和标准化在 onnx 图内. 我会将其添加到我的自定义转换脚本中、并更新此处的结果。  

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。



    其次、如前所述、我们在 文件中嵌入了多个内容、您已经指出了一个内容、

    脚本嵌入 Onnx 图形内的输入转换和标准化


