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[参考译文] CC1352P7:ns_br / ti-wisunfantund 崩溃

Guru**** 657930 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: WI-SUN, CC1352P7



我们将尝试根据 Simplelink SDK 和 ti-wisunfantund 中的 ns_br 示例构建 Wi-SUN 边界路由器。 不幸的是、它在运行几个小时后崩溃。 wfantund 中的日志包含这样的消息:

Nov 13 12:33:02 BeaglePlay wfantund[646]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x47B4 != Frame:0x5EDD, Garbage on line?
Nov 13 12:33:02 BeaglePlay wfantund[646]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([8]=1)

将该错误抛出几次后、边界路由器固件通常会崩溃、wfantund 接口会返回到"未初始化"状态。 连接了更多的器件(> 10)时、错误似乎更有可能发生。

Simplelink SDK 版本为7.10.01.24、ti-wisunfantund 01-00-05在 BeaglePlay 板上运行。 UART 速度设置为115200。




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    请您将 wfatntund 轨迹向上发送到该点。 至少是日志的最后几分钟。  



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Starting wfantund 0.08.00d (Sep 26 2023 07:26:31) . . .
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]:         BUILD_VERSION = db713a0-dirty
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Configuration file "/etc/wpantund.conf" read.
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Starting wfantund 0.08.00d (Sep 26 2023 07:26:31) . . .
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]:         BUILD_VERSION = db713a0-dirty
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Configuration file "/etc/wpantund.conf" read.
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Ready. Using DBUS bus ":1.35"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Running as root without dropping privileges!
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Ready. Using DBUS bus ":1.35"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Running as root without dropping privileges!
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: [-NCP-]: Stack is not up
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: State change: "uninitialized" -> "offline"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: [-NCP-]: Stack is not up
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: State change: "uninitialized" -> "offline"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: NCP is running "TIWISUNFAN/1.0.2; RELEASE; Aug 28 2023 15:54:37"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Driver is running "0.08.00d (/db713a0-dirty; Sep 26 2023 07:26:31)"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: NCP is running "TIWISUNFAN/1.0.2; RELEASE; Aug 28 2023 15:54:37"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Driver is running "0.08.00d (/db713a0-dirty; Sep 26 2023 07:26:31)"
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Resetting interface(s). . .
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: Finished initializing NCP
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Resetting interface(s). . .
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: Finished initializing NCP
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0xABBF != Frame:0x0064, Garbage on line?
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=142)
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0xABBF != Frame:0x0064, Garbage on line?
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=142)
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0xABBF != Frame:0x0064, Garbage on line?
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[1288]: wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=142)
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0xABBF != Frame:0x0064, Garbage on line?
    Oct 06 05:19:10 BeaglePlay wfantund[1288]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=142)


    看来增加 UART 速度会稍微延迟这个问题、但是并没有解决这个问题。 我的印象是、一些内部缓冲区在实际通过 UART 传输之前会被覆盖。 尝试调整 CONFIG_NCP_UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 和 CONFIG_NCP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE、但尚未找到工作配置。

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    要测试是否由于 UART 流量而发生此崩溃、请将日志级别降低至 LOG_CIT。  




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。



    另外、我真的不了解它的背景。 "DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_LEVEL"影响 wfantund (进入文件)上的日志级别、但不影响连接到 CC1352P7的 UART。 为什么会影响固件崩溃?

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。



    在构建边界路由器固件时、您可以控制调试级别。 但我认为默认情况下不包括迹线。  

    请在项目属性-> Arm 编译器->预定义符号中使用 ns_br_src 项目。 请确保已定义 exclude_trace。


  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    此外、一旦系统崩溃。 您是否可以尝试重新启动 Wfantund 和 wfottl,看看 NCP 边界路由器是否在不重置边界路由器的情况下响应 wfottl 命令?


  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。

    我刚才尝试过。 重新启动 wfantund 后、它再次响应命令!

    如果 CC1352P7固件崩溃、会发生什么情况? 它是否会停止、或者看门狗是否会将其复位?

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。



    您是否在 Wi-SUN 网络中连接了节点? 请检查已连接设备列表吗? 它是否仍然有器件?



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    看起来行为并不总是一致的。 我只是遇到了另一个问题、其中 wfantund 无法再连接、并打印了以下错误消息:

    wfantund[177436]:SpinelNCPInstance-Prototthreads.cpp:456:要求失败(IS_EVENT_FROM_NCP (EVENT)&& getInstance(这一个)->mInboundHeader == mLastHeader )

    "get connecteddevices"打印"Error 28 (0x1C)"。 如果我在不重新启动 wfauntund 的情况下调用它、通常就是超时。


  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    我将进行设置并执行隔夜测试、然后尝试重现问题。 明天会向您提供最新结果。  

    考虑到不一致的行为、这 并不意味着仅存在1个明确的问题。  



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    我的隔夜测试(1BR-1Node)没有失败。 我将使用更多节点再试一次 、并将在星期一报告我的发现。

    但如果您仍在最后进行测试、 请进行这些更改以增加日志信息。

    在 wpantund.cpp 中、将默认的最大日志级别更改为日志调试



    在 SpinelNCPInstance-DataPump.cpp 中、在此行下   

    				syslog(LOG_ERR, "[NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x%04X != Frame:0x%04X, Garbage on line?", mInboundFrameHDLCCRC, frame_crc);


    				syslog(LOG_ERR, "[NCP->]: The Garbage Frame >>>>>>>>>>%s <<<<<<<<<<End of Garbage Frame\n",mInboundFrame);




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    启动 wfantund 时、请将&>> filename.txt 附加到命令中、以便将日志保存在文件中。


    sudo /usr/local/sbin/wfantund -o Config:NCP:SocketPath /dev/ttyACM0 &>> wfantund_trace.txt



  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。




  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    这次是在事故发生前5天运行的。 以下是发生时间的日志:

    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 114
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [NCP->] IPv6 len:60 type:6(cksum 0x902c) [SECURE]
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: 	to(local):[fd0c:2a50:1a2::1]:1883
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: 	from(remote):[2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c1:c3e7]:59680
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] IPv6 len:64 type:6(cksum 0x73ac) [SECURE]
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: 	to(remote):[2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c1:c3fd]:50713
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: 	from(local):[fd0c:2a50:1a2::1]:1883
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [->NCP] IPv6 len:64 type:6(cksum 0x73ac) [SECURE]
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: 	to(remote):[2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c1:c3fd]:50713
    Dez 08 05:43:06 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: 	from(local):[fd0c:2a50:1a2::1]:1883
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (0) PROP_VALUE_IS(LAST_STATUS) [72]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 0
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Last status (RESET_SOFTWARE, 114)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: State change: "associated" -> "uninitialized"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Taking interface(s) down. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Taking interface wfan0 offline. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Initializing NCP
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Removing all NCP originated addresses
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: UnicastAddresses: Removing "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64", origin:ncp, valid:7197, preferred:3597
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Removing address "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7" from interface "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: UnicastAddresses: Removing "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64", origin:ncp, valid:forever, preferred:forever
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (0) PROP_VALUE_IS(LAST_STATUS) [72]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Removing address "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7" from interface "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: NCP is now BUSY.
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: DBusAPI:PropChanged: /com/nestlabs/WPANTunnelDriver/wfan0/Property/Daemon/ReadyForHostSleep - value: false
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: TunnelIPv6Interface: "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64" was removed from "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: TunnelIPv6Interface: "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64" was removed from "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 0
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Last status (RESET_SOFTWARE, 114)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: State change: "associated" -> "uninitialized"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Taking interface(s) down. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Taking interface wfan0 offline. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Initializing NCP
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Removing all NCP originated addresses
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: UnicastAddresses: Removing "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64", origin:ncp, valid:7197, preferred:3597
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Removing address "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7" from interface "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: UnicastAddresses: Removing "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64", origin:ncp, valid:forever, preferred:forever
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: Removing address "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7" from interface "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: NCP is now BUSY.
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: DBusAPI:PropChanged: /com/nestlabs/WPANTunnelDriver/wfan0/Property/Daemon/ReadyForHostSleep - value: false
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: TunnelIPv6Interface: "2020:abcd::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64" was removed from "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: TunnelIPv6Interface: "fe80::212:4b00:29c4:caf7/64" was removed from "wfan0"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (2) PROP_VALUE_GET(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (2) PROP_VALUE_GET(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (3) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_STACK_UP)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(PROTOCOL_VERSION) [57692D53554E4641...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 1
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (3) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_STACK_UP)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(PROTOCOL_VERSION) [57692D53554E4641...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_STACK_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 66
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Stack is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: State change: "uninitialized" -> "offline"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (4) PROP_VALUE_GET(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 1
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (5) PROP_VALUE_GET(NCP_VERSION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(PROTOCOL_VERSION) [57692D53554E4641...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 1
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (6) PROP_VALUE_GET(INTERFACE_TYPE)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (7) PROP_VALUE_GET(HWADDR)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_STACK_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (8) PROP_VALUE_GET(PHY_CCA_THRESHOLD)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (9) PROP_VALUE_GET(PHY_TX_POWER)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (10) PROP_VALUE_GET(PHY_REGION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (11) PROP_VALUE_GET(PHY_MODE_ID)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(NCP_VERSION) [5449574953554E46...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 2
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: NCP is running "TIWISUNFAN/1.0.2; RELEASE; Dec  6 2023 09:58:13"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Driver is running "0.08.00d (/db713a0-dirty; Nov 16 2023 06:29:27)"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (12) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNICAST_CHANNEL_LIST)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (13) PROP_VALUE_GET(BROADCAST_CHANNEL_LIST)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(INTERFACE_TYPE) [04]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (14) PROP_VALUE_GET(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (15) PROP_VALUE_GET(CH_SPACING)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(HWADDR) [00124B0029C4CAF7]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 8
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (1) PROP_VALUE_GET(CHO_CENTER_FREQ)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (2) PROP_VALUE_GET(MAC_15_4_PANID)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 66
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(PHY_CCA_THRESHOLD) [C4]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 36
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (3) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (4) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(PHY_TX_POWER) [0E]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 37
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Tx power 14
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (5) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (6) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (10) PROP_VALUE_IS(PHY_REGION) [03]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 80
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (7) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (8) PROP_VALUE_GET(UNKNOWN)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (11) PROP_VALUE_IS(PHY_MODE_ID) [01]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 81
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (9) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_IF_UP)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (10) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_STACK_UP)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (12) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNICAST_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 82
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (11) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_ROLE)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (12) PROP_VALUE_GET(NET_NETWORK_NAME)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Resetting interface(s). . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Resetting interface wfan0. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Taking interface wfan0 offline. . .
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Removing all address/prefix/route entries
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: ../util/netif-mgmt.c:532: Requirement Failed ((ret) == 0)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: DBusAPI:PropChanged: /com/nestlabs/WPANTunnelDriver/wfan0/Property/NCP/State - value: offline
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: Finished initializing NCP
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (13) PROP_VALUE_IS(BROADCAST_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 83
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (12) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNICAST_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 82
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (13) PROP_VALUE_IS(BROADCAST_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 83
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (14) PROP_VALUE_IS(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 84
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (15) PROP_VALUE_IS(CH_SPACING) [6400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5376
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (1) PROP_VALUE_IS(CHO_CENTER_FREQ) [62036400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Stack is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5377
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(MAC_15_4_PANID) [A37D]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 54
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: PANID 0x7DA3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5462
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5463
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FC030000]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5464
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5465
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5466
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) []
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5467
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_IF_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 65
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Interface is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x1BCD != Frame:0x0042, Garbage on line?
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: The Garbage Frame >>>>>>>>>>�B <<<<<<<<<<End of Garbage Frame
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=138)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (14) PROP_VALUE_IS(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 84
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (15) PROP_VALUE_IS(CH_SPACING) [6400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5376
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (1) PROP_VALUE_IS(CHO_CENTER_FREQ) [62036400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5377
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(MAC_15_4_PANID) [A37D]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 54
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: PANID 0x7DA3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5462
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5463
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FC030000]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5464
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5465
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5466
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) []
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5467
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_IF_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 65
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: State change: "uninitialized" -> "offline"
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Interface is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x1BCD != Frame:0x0042, Garbage on line?
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: The Garbage Frame >>>>>>>>>>�B <<<<<<<<<<End of Garbage Frame
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=138)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (14) PROP_VALUE_IS(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 84
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (15) PROP_VALUE_IS(CH_SPACING) [6400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5376
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (1) PROP_VALUE_IS(CHO_CENTER_FREQ) [62036400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5377
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(MAC_15_4_PANID) [A37D]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 54
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: PANID 0x7DA3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5462
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5463
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FC030000]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5464
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5465
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5466
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) []
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5467
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_IF_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 65
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Interface is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x1BCD != Frame:0x0042, Garbage on line?
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: The Garbage Frame >>>>>>>>>>�B <<<<<<<<<<End of Garbage Frame
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=138)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (14) PROP_VALUE_IS(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 84
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (15) PROP_VALUE_IS(CH_SPACING) [6400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5376
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (1) PROP_VALUE_IS(CHO_CENTER_FREQ) [62036400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5377
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(MAC_15_4_PANID) [A37D]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 54
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: PANID 0x7DA3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wfantund[658]: [->NCP] (4) PROP_VALUE_GET(PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5462
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5463
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FC030000]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5464
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5465
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5466
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) []
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5467
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_IF_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 65
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: Interface is not up
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Frame CRC Mismatch: Calc:0x1BCD != Frame:0x0042, Garbage on line?
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: The Garbage Frame >>>>>>>>>>�B <<<<<<<<<<End of Garbage Frame
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->]: Garbage is not ASCII ([0]=138)
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (14) PROP_VALUE_IS(ASYNC_CHANNEL_LIST) [FFFFFF1F00000000...]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 84
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (15) PROP_VALUE_IS(CH_SPACING) [6400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5376
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (1) PROP_VALUE_IS(CHO_CENTER_FREQ) [62036400]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5377
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (2) PROP_VALUE_IS(MAC_15_4_PANID) [A37D]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 54
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [-NCP-]: PANID 0x7DA3
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (3) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5462
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (4) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FF]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5463
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (5) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [FC030000]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5464
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (6) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5465
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (7) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) [02]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5466
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (8) PROP_VALUE_IS(UNKNOWN) []
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 5467
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: [NCP->] (9) PROP_VALUE_IS(NET_IF_UP) [00]
    Dez 08 05:43:07 BeaglePlay wisun-border-router[658]: wfantund[658]: KEY ID: 65

  • 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。


    我很抱歉、我无法解决这个问题。 我会在周二回复您。 其他一些客户也发现了此问题。
