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TMS320F28069F: DSP

Part Number: TMS320F28069F

我想问一下EST_getSpeed_krpm(EST_Handle handle);和EST_getFm_pu(obj->estHandle);两个函数的输出有什么区别,在实验lab05b中,一个是速度的反馈值,一个是速度PI控制器的反馈值,这两个不应该相等吗?为什么是差一个倍数关系?

  • 前者是“Gets the speed value in kilo-rpm”,后者是“Get the mechanical speed in pu/s”

    kilo-rpm和pu/s通过“ST_SPEED_PU_PER_KRPM”确定比例: ST_SPEED_PU_PER_KRPM This identifies the scaling between kilo-rpm and pu/s speed. This is used to convert from user variables which are typically in kilo-rpm into scaled speed variables. This ensures that all calculations in InstaSPINMOTION will not cause an overflow. This value is calculated from parameters that are defined in user.h