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TMS320F280049: CNTL_2P2Z_F_ASM使用

Part Number: TMS320F280049




.def _CNTL_2P2Z_F_ASM


; because of C calling convention
; XAR4 has the cntl2p2z coeff structure pointer
; XAR5 has the cntl2p2z data buff internal pointer
; R0H has the reference
; R1H has the feedback value
;save R4H

; calculate error (Ref - Fdbk)
MOV AR0,#10
MOV32 R0H,*+XAR5[AR0]
MOV AR0,#12
MOV32 R1H,*+XAR5[AR0]
SUBF32 R0H,R0H,R1H ; R0H = Ref(R0H) - Fdbk(R1H)= error(R0H)

; store error in DBUFF
MOV32 *+XAR5[4], R0H ; e(n) = ACC = error

; compute 2P2Z filter
MOV AR0,#8
MOV32 R0H, *+XAR5[AR0] ; R0H = e(n-2)
MOV32 R1H, *XAR4++ ; R1H = B2
MPYF32 R2H,R0H,R1H ; R2H = e(n-2)*B(2)
|| MOV32 R1H,*XAR4++ ; R1H = B1

MOVD32 R0H,*+XAR5[6] ; R0H = e(n-1) and e(n-2)=e(n-1)
MPYF32 R3H,R0H,R1H ; R3H = e(n-1)*B1
|| MOV32 R1H,*XAR4++ ; R1H = B0

MOVD32 R0H,*+XAR5[4] ; R0H = e(n) and e(n-1)=e(n)
MPYF32 R4H,R0H,R1H ; R4H = e(n)*B0 ,
|| ADDF32 R2H,R2H,R3H ; R2H = e(n-1)*B1+e(n-2)*B2

MOV32 R0H,*+XAR5[2] ; R0H = u(n-2)
MOV32 R1H,*XAR4++ ; R1H = A2
MPYF32 R3H,R0H,R1H ; R3H = u(n-2)*A2 ,
|| ADDF32 R2H,R2H,R4H ; R2H = e(n)*B0+e(n)*B0+e(n-1)*B1+e(n-2)*B2+e(n-3)*B3

MOVD32 R0H,*+XAR5[0] ; R0H = u(n-1), u(n-2) = u(n-1)
MOV32 R1H,*XAR4++ ; R1H = A1
MPYF32 R4H,R0H,R1H ; R4H = u(n-1)*A1 ,
|| ADDF32 R2H,R2H,R3H ; R2H = u(n-2)*A2+e(n)*B0+e(n-1)*B1+e(n-2)*B2+e(n-3)*B3

MOV32 R0H,*XAR4++ ; R0H = Maximum Value

ADDF32 R2H,R2H,R4H ; R2H = u(n-1)*A1+u(n-2)*A2+e(n)*B0+e(n-1)*B1+e(n-2)*B2
MOV32 R1H,*XAR4++ ; R1H = Internal minimum value

MINF32 R2H,R0H ; R2H = min (R0H{maximum value}, R2H {computed value})
MOV32 R3H,*XAR4++ ; R3H = Output minimum value
MAXF32 R2H,R1H ; R2H = Max(R2H

MOV32 *+XAR5[0],R2H ; store the internal min saturate value in the data buffer
MAXF32 R2H,R3H ; saturate result to the output min value

MOV AR0,#14
MOV32 *+XAR5[AR0],R2H ; store the result in the output terminal

;restore R4H