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F28M35H52C: F28M35H52C中M3核上I2C关于BUSY位拉高问题和RREQ位拉高问题?

Part Number: F28M35H52C



I2C模块进行Master TRANSMIT with Repeated START模式(如下图1),根据下图的配置,代码编写(如附件1)


1.断点直接打到I2CMasterControl(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, I2C_MASTER_CMD_SINGLE_RECEIVE);位置,也就是对MCS寄存器写入3,完成该断点的操作,BUSY位置并未置1.但是按照原理在数据传输的过程中,

I2C controller is busy,所以BUSY位置置1:


I2C controller is busy,所以BUSY位置置1:



而且图1中发现当写入MCS寄存器以后,没有需要判断MCS_BUSY位是否置1,只有在传输完成以后才需要判断BUSY位,但是手册上的BUSY的解释是I2C controller is busy,所以应该是当我写入MCS的时候,BUSY就应该置1了吧?





2.在进行CCS单步操作,结果发现RREQ状态位并没有置1,导致判断while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SCSR_RREQ))不能完成。

3.所以在判断while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SCSR_RREQ))中加入循环,发现每次能退出循环RREQ置1的时间都不同。所以先请问一下手册上说的延迟(如下图3),到底是需要延迟多久?

// FILE:   i2c_loopback.c
// TITLE:  Example demonstrating a simple I2C message
//         transmission and reception.
// $TI Release: F28M35x Support Library v220 $
// $Release Date: Tue Sep 26 15:35:11 CDT 2017 $
// $Copyright: Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Texas Instruments Incorporated -

#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "inc/hw_i2c.h"
#include "inc/hw_nvic.h"
#include "inc/hw_sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/i2c.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "driverlib/flash.h"
#include "utils/uartstdio.h"
#include <string.h>

//! \addtogroup master_example_list
//! <h1>I2C Master Loopback (i2c_master_slave_loopback)</h1>
//! This example shows how to configure the I2C0 module for loopback mode.
//! This includes setting up the master and slave module.  Loopback mode
//! internally connects the master and slave data and clock lines together.
//! The address of the slave module is set in order to read data from the
//! master.  Then the data is checked to make sure the received data matches
//! the data that was transmitted.  This example uses a polling method for
//! sending and receiving data.
//! This example uses the following peripherals and I/O signals.  You must
//! review these and change as needed for your own board:
//! - I2C0 peripheral
//! - GPIO Port B peripheral (for I2C0 pins)
//! - I2C0SCL - PB2
//! - I2C0SDA - PB3
//! The following UART signals are configured only for displaying console
//! messages for this example.  These are not required for operation of I2C.
//! - UART0 peripheral
//! - GPIO Port E peripheral (for UART0 pins)
//! - UART0RX - PE4
//! - UART0TX - PE5
//! This example uses the following interrupt handlers.  To use this example
//! in your own application you must add these interrupt handlers to your
//! vector table.
//! - None.

#ifdef _FLASH
// These are defined by the linker (see device linker command file)
extern unsigned long RamfuncsLoadStart;
extern unsigned long RamfuncsRunStart;
extern unsigned long RamfuncsLoadSize;

// Number of I2C data packets to send.
#define NUM_I2C_DATA 3

// Set the address for slave module. This is a 7-bit address sent in the
// following format:
//                      [A6:A5:A4:A3:A2:A1:A0:RS]
// A zero in the "RS" position of the first byte means that the master
// transmits (sends) data to the selected slave, and a one in this position
// means that the master receives data from the slave.
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x3C

// This function sets up UART0 to be used for a console to display information
// as the example is running.
    // Enable GPIO port A which is used for UART0 pins.
    // TODO: change this to whichever GPIO port you are using.

    // Configure the pin muxing for UART0 functions on port A0 and A1.
    // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing.
    // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.

    // Select the alternate (UART) function for these pins.
    // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.

    // Initialize the UART for console I/O.

// Configure the I2C0 master and slave and connect them using loopback mode.
    unsigned long ulDataTx[NUM_I2C_DATA];
    unsigned long ulDataRx[NUM_I2C_DATA];
    unsigned long ulindex;

    // Disable Protection

    // Setup main clock tree for 75MHz - M3 and 150MHz - C28x
                         (SYSCTL_SPLLIMULT_M & 0x0F));

#ifdef _FLASH
// Copy time critical code and Flash setup code to RAM
// This includes the following functions:  InitFlash();
// The  RamfuncsLoadStart, RamfuncsLoadSize, and RamfuncsRunStart
// symbols are created by the linker. Refer to the device .cmd file.
    memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize);

// Call Flash Initialization to setup flash waitstates
// This function must reside in RAM

    // The I2C0 peripheral must be enabled before use.

    // For this example I2C0 is used with PortB[3:2].  The actual port and
    // pins used may be different on your part, consult the data sheet for
    // more information.  GPIO port B needs to be enabled so these pins can
    // be used.
    // TODO: change this to whichever GPIO port you are using.

    // Configure the pin muxing for I2C0 functions on port B2 and B3.
    // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing.
    // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.

    // Select the I2C function for these pins.  This function will also
    // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to
    // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups.  Consult the data sheet
    // to see which functions are allocated per pin.
    // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.

    // Enable loopback mode.  Loopback mode is a built in feature that is
    // useful for debugging I2C operations.  It internally connects the I2C
    // master and slave terminals, which effectively let's you send data as
    // a master and receive data as a slave.
    // NOTE: For external I2C operation you will need to use external pullups
    // that are stronger than the internal pullups.  Refer to the datasheet for
    // more information.
    HWREG(I2C0_MASTER_BASE + I2C_O_MCR) |= 0x01;

    // Enable and initialize the I2C0 master module.  Use the system clock for
    // the I2C0 module.  The last parameter sets the I2C data transfer rate.
    // If false the data rate is set to 100kbps and if true the data rate will
    // be set to 400kbps.  For this example we will use a data rate of 100kbps.
    I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(
                            SYSTEM_CLOCK_SPEED), false);

    // Enable the I2C0 slave module. This module is enabled only for testing
    // purposes.  It does not need to be enabled for proper operation of the
    // I2Cx master module.

    // Set the slave address to SLAVE_ADDRESS.  In loopback mode, it's an
    // arbitrary 7-bit number (set in a macro above) that is sent to the
    // I2CMasterSlaveAddrSet function.

    // Tell the master module what address it will place on the bus when
    // communicating with the slave.  Set the address to SLAVE_ADDRESS
    // (as set in the slave module).  The receive parameter is set to false
    // which indicates the I2C Master is initiating a writes to the slave.  If
    // true, that would indicate that the I2C Master is initiating reads from
    // the slave.
    I2CMasterSlaveAddrSet(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, SLAVE_ADDRESS, false);

    // Set up the serial console to use for displaying messages.  This is
    // just for this example program and is not needed for I2C operation.

    // Display the example setup on the console.
    UARTprintf("I2C Loopback Example ->");
    UARTprintf("\n   Module = I2C0");
    UARTprintf("\n   Mode = Single Send/Receive");
    UARTprintf("\n   Rate = 100kbps\n\n");

    // Initialize the data to send.
    ulDataTx[0] = 'I';
    ulDataTx[1] = '2';
    ulDataTx[2] = 'C';

    // Initialize the receive buffer.
    for(ulindex = 0; ulindex < NUM_I2C_DATA; ulindex++)
        ulDataRx[ulindex] = 0;

    // Indicate the direction of the data.
    UARTprintf("Transferring from: Master -> Slave\n");

    // Send 3 pieces of I2C data from the master to the slave.
    for(ulindex = 0; ulindex < NUM_I2C_DATA; ulindex++)
        // Display the data that the I2C0 master is transferring.
        UARTprintf("  Sending: '%c'  . . .  ", ulDataTx[ulindex]);
        // Place the data to be sent in the data register
        I2CMasterDataPut(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

        // Initiate send of data from the master.  Since the loopback
        // mode is enabled, the master and slave units are connected
        // allowing us to receive the same data that we sent out.

        // Wait until the slave has received and acknowledged the data.
        while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SCSR_RREQ))

        // Read the data from the slave.
        ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CSlaveDataGet(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE);

        // Wait until master module is done transferring.

        // Display the data that the slave has received.
        UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);

        // Place the data to be sent in the data register
        I2CMasterDataPut(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

        // Initiate send of data from the master.  Since the loopback
        // mode is enabled, the master and slave units are connected
        // allowing us to receive the same data that we sent out.

        // Wait until the slave has received and acknowledged the data.
        while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SCSR_RREQ))

        // Read the data from the slave.
        ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CSlaveDataGet(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE);

        // Wait until master module is done transferring.

        // Display the data that the slave has received.
        UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);

                // Place the data to be sent in the data register
                I2CMasterDataPut(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

                // Initiate send of data from the master.  Since the loopback
                // mode is enabled, the master and slave units are connected
                // allowing us to receive the same data that we sent out.
                I2CMasterControl(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, I2C_MASTER_CMD_BURST_SEND_FINISH);

                // Wait until the slave has received and acknowledged the data.
                while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SCSR_RREQ))

                // Read the data from the slave.
                ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CSlaveDataGet(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE);

                // Wait until master module is done transferring.

                // Display the data that the slave has received.
                UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);



    // Reset receive buffer.
    for(ulindex = 0; ulindex < NUM_I2C_DATA; ulindex++)
        ulDataRx[ulindex] = 0;

    // Indicate the direction of the data.
    UARTprintf("\n\nTranferring from: Slave -> Master\n");

    // Modify the data direction to true, so that seeing the address will
    // indicate that the I2C Master is initiating a read from the slave.
    I2CMasterSlaveAddrSet(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, SLAVE_ADDRESS, true);

    // Do a dummy receive to make sure you don't get junk on the first receive.

    // Dummy acknowledge and wait for the receive request from the master.
    // This is done to clear any flags that should not be set.
    while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SLAVE_ACT_TREQ))

    for(ulindex = 0; ulindex < NUM_I2C_DATA; ulindex++)
        // Display the data that I2C0 slave module is transferring.
        UARTprintf("  Sending: '%c'  . . .  ", ulDataTx[ulindex]);
        // Place the data to be sent in the data register
        I2CSlaveDataPut(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

        // Tell the master to read data.

        // Wait until the slave is done sending data.
        while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SLAVE_ACT_TREQ))

        // Read the data from the master.
        ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CMasterDataGet(I2C0_MASTER_BASE);

        // Display the data that the slave has received.
        UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);

                // Place the data to be sent in the data register
                I2CSlaveDataPut(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

                // Tell the master to read data.
                I2CMasterControl(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, I2C_MASTER_CMD_SINGLE_RECEIVE);

                // Wait until the slave is done sending data.
                while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SLAVE_ACT_TREQ))

                // Read the data from the master.
                ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CMasterDataGet(I2C0_MASTER_BASE);

                // Display the data that the slave has received.
                UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);

                        // Place the data to be sent in the data register
                        I2CSlaveDataPut(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE, ulDataTx[ulindex]);

                        // Tell the master to read data.
                        I2CMasterControl(I2C0_MASTER_BASE, I2C_MASTER_CMD_SINGLE_RECEIVE);

                        // Wait until the slave is done sending data.
                        while(!(I2CSlaveStatus(I2C0_SLAVE_BASE) & I2C_SLAVE_ACT_TREQ))

                        // Read the data from the master.
                        ulDataRx[ulindex] = I2CMasterDataGet(I2C0_MASTER_BASE);

                        // Display the data that the slave has received.
                        UARTprintf("Received: '%c'\n", ulDataRx[ulindex]);


    // Tell the user that the test is done.

    // Return no errors