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1,充放电的时候Q1,Q2应该都是打开状态。Q3作用是precharge MOS,Q3 is a low-cost PCH FET and is used to keep CHG away from any voltages below VSS. When CHG is not being pulled high, PACK± being pulled below VSS will not be seen by CHG as Q2 does not turn on. Q3 also allows R2 to keep Q1 OFF, since all voltages below this FET can Q3 "follow" PACK± as it goes below VSS
3, BATT端接的12V电池,但PACK+与PACK-之间只有8.8V的压差,您量一下电路上哪些元件导致压降。正常充放电MOS关了也不会有3V多的压降。
Q6 is the pre-charge FET. This FET is controlled by the PRECHG pin of the BQ78350, and it is connected parallel to the CHG and DSG FETs and in series with a 1kOhm resistor (R48).
In order to limit inrush current, the BQ78350 will enable Q6 via the PRECHG pin before the BQ79620 enables the CHG FET via the CHG pin. The inrush charging current will be directed through Q6 and its series 1kOhm resistor, thus limiting the current. This prevents high currents from damaging any system components. After a set delay time, the CHG FET will be enabled and then Q6 will be disabled to limit power dissipation during normal operation.