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LM5170-Q1: Chip Output Failure

Part Number: LM5170-Q1

The LM5170-Q1 on our mass production equipment is malfunctioning, and the test chips BRKS and BRKG have no output, resulting in the circuit breaker not being able to turn on. Test all the pin signals of LM5170-Q1, and found that the pins with abnormal output signals have SD signals inside, and the SD signals are shown to be in the repeated switching state. Please help to answer the following questions:
Question 1: Comparison test with normal parts, the signals in the green box are normal, what else could cause SD to appear to switch all the time?
Question 2: What is the direction of control flow in the blue box? Between OSCILLATOR AND PHASE SPLITTER and CONTROL LOGIC modules.
Question 3: In the purple box, we only connect a 56K resistor to the ground for the DT, but there are pulses in the abnormal parts. The test signal is shown in the figure below. there is no SD inside the DT signal why there is also a waveform that the switch keeps switching?