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BQ78350DBTR-R1A 与BQ78350DBTR-R1 的差异?BQ78350DBTR-R1A 是否可以替代BQ78350DBTR-R1使用?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78350-R1, BQ78350-R1A

BQ78350DBTR-R1A 与BQ78350DBTR-R1 的差异?BQ78350DBTR-R1A 是否可以替代BQ78350DBTR-R1使用?

  • 您好,固件版本不同,更新为相同固件就可以使用。

    BQ78350-R1: This is the main device that has been in production for a few years and is the one used by most users.

    BQ78350-R1A: This is functionally identical to the R1 device. It comes pre-loaded with the latest R1 firmware (v1.04). The only difference is an improvement in the robustness of the Shutdown routine (for users that use the Shutdown command in their application). This will be fully released in the next few days. I recommend this device if you are thinking of using the R1.