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TMS320C6678: 使用自制板,通过EMIF访问NAND flash失败

Part Number: TMS320C6678

使用的是C6678自制电路板,NAND flash型号为MT29F16G08ADBCA,根据手册更改STK中EMIF例程EMIF_NAND_FLASH_test.c参数如下:

编译运行结果如下,无法正确读取Manufacturer ID和Device ID,一直提示擦除失败,故中止程序:

[C66xx_0] JTAG ID= 0x1009e02f. This is C6678/TCI6608 device, version variant = 1.
DEVSTAT= 0x00000001. little endian, No boot or EMIF16(NOR FLASH) or UART boot, PLL configuration implies the input clock for core is 50MHz.
SmartReflex VID= 63, required core voltage= 1.104V.
Die ID= 0x1500d012, 0x04046afd, 0x00000000, 0x7f2a0021
Device speed grade = 1000MHz.
Enable Exception handling...
Initialize DSP main clock = 100.00MHz/1x10 = 1000MHz
Initialize DDR speed = 100.00MHzx/1x8 = 800.000MTS
Initializing NAND flash...
Manufacturer ID = 0h, Device ID = 0h
this is not an ONFI compliant device
NAND FLASH size = 4096 x 64 x 8192 = -2147483648 Bytes
Save data from 0x70000000 to 0x70400000.
Erasing blocks 7168 through 7183
block 7168 is marked as bad!
ERROR: Erasing NAND failed.
!!!Failed erase blocks at 0x70000000 for Memory Fill Test
Save data from 0x70400000 to 0x70800000.
Erasing blocks 7184 through 7199
block 7184 is marked as bad!
ERROR: Erasing NAND failed.
!!!Failed erase blocks at 0x70400000 for Memory Fill Test
Save data from 0x70800000 to 0x70c00000.
Erasing blocks 7200 through 7215
block 7200 is marked as bad!

请问是否需要更改EMIF_main.c文件中wrSetup, wrStrobe, wrHold, rdSetup, rdStrobe, rdHold等参数?本人刚接触C6678,对这些参数与NAND flash手册的时序对应关系不是很清楚,希望能帮忙确定这些参数的值,谢谢