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TDA4VM: 在使用edge-ai-tools编译onnx模型时发现,有的模型的maxpool和add层是支持的,有的模型的maxpool和add层不支持,请问这是什么原因。

Part Number: TDA4VM



Supported TIDL layer type --- Conv -- Conv_0
Supported TIDL layer type --- Relu -- Relu_1
Supported TIDL layer type --- MaxPool -- MaxPool_2
Supported TIDL layer type --- Conv -- Conv_3
Supported TIDL layer type --- Relu -- Relu_4
Supported TIDL layer type --- Conv -- Conv_5
Supported TIDL layer type --- Add -- Add_6


Unsupported (TIDL check) TIDL layer type --- MaxPool

Unsupported (TIDL check) TIDL layer type --- Add