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OMAP-L138: 下载程序失败

Part Number: OMAP-L138
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6748

C674X_0: Output: Target Connected.
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: Memory Map Cleared.
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: Memory Map Setup Complete.
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: PSC Enable Complete.
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: PLL0 init done for Core:456MHz, EMIFA:114MHz
C674X_0: Output: DDR initialization is in progress....
C674X_0: Output: PLL1 init done for DDR:156MHz
C674X_0: Output: Using DDR2 settings
C674X_0: Output: DDR2 init for 156 MHz is done
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: DSP Wake Complete.(Only For OMAPL138)
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: Output: PRU Wake Complete.
C674X_0: Output: ---------------------------------------------
C674X_0: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0xC0000000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.
C674X_0: GEL: File: D:\dsp\TMS320C6748_V4.0\Demo\StarterWare\Application\GPIO_LED\Debug\GPIO_LED.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.