I'm encountering compilation errors while trying to integrate TI StarterWare packages into a custom project to use the DCAN example. In the original example (DCAN_LoopbackExample_evmAM437x_armTestProject), the configuration file (CFG) successfully loads the necessary packages as follows:

/* Load the Dal package */
var SDal = xdc.loadPackage('ti.starterware.dal');
SDal.Settings.socType = devType;
SDal.Settings.libProfile = "release";

/* Load the Example_Utils package */
Utils = xdc.loadPackage('ti.starterware.utils');
Utils.Settings.socType = devType;
Utils.Settings.libProfile = "release";

However, when I copy these configurations into my own project, I encounter compilation errors (attached screenshot for details). I am aiming to incorporate the DCAN functionality into my application but have been unable to resolve these issues. Could someone provide guidance on how to correctly set up and integrate these packages into a new project?

Thank you for your assistance.