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Error 0x00000220/-1166 解决方案

Error connecting to the target: Error 0x00000220/-1166 Error during: Execution, OCS,  Lost processor clock. Device may be operating in a low-power mode.  Do you want to bring it out of this mode?   Sequence ID: 0 Error Code: -1166 Error Class: 0x00000220
Error connecting to the target: Error 0x00001200/-1166 Error during: OCS, Target,  Lost processor clock. Device may be operating in a low-power mode.  Do you want to bring it out of this mode?   Sequence ID: 0 Error Code: -1166 Error Class: 0x00001200





根据个人经验    出现连接等问题      如果确保仿真器和仿真器驱动安装合适的话     

首先检查电源      即内核电压和IO电压    是否在合理的范围内

电源没有问题    就用示波器检查芯片的CLKOUT引脚     此引脚有固定频率的波形输出
