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CC3100+msp430fr5529运行官方例子,串口出现general event,例子不能运行

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, CC3200, CC3100, CC3100SDK, CC3100BOOST

sdk和服务包都是最新版的,刚开始能用,后来使用uniflash时点击了operation里的generate config binares以后,就不能用了,我后来又尝试刷新固件库还是不想,运行例子总是出现一个标题以后就是general even 就没反应了。

  • Generation of binary templates

    Unlike programming which generates the binary templates and program those to the target device, it is possible just to generate those binary templates offline. This option can be used for debug purposes but also to make an offline session that would be used as part of Image Programming. The latest is crucial since all configuration files need to pass integrity test before introduced into an image (since the image cannot apply any integrity test).
    The configuration binaries can be generated via the top bar by clicking Operation->Generate Config Binaries.

    generate config binares是生成一个二进制模板,不应该影响程序运行。请问是否有其他操作,比如更新固件之类?
  • 我用的 编译环境是Code Composer Studio 9.0.0    CC3100_CC3200_ServicePack_1.0.1.14-   CC3100SDK_1.3.0   CC3100SDK_1.3.0     原因我找到了,是因为更新serviceopack的时候没有操作好,在更行servicepack的时候,需要按sw2进行重置,论坛上好多遇到sl_Start卡死应该也是这个问题,不过我还是有个疑惑,我不知道怎样更行固件库才算成功,servicepack每烧写成功以后里面出现的是

    [08:31:29] INFO: file start size fail total size filename
    [08:31:29] INFO: index block [BLKs] safe [BLKs]
    [08:31:29] INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [08:31:29] INFO: N/A 0 5 N/A 5 FATFS
    [08:31:29] INFO: 4 5 66 no 66 /sys/servicepack.ucf
    [08:31:29] INFO:

    [08:31:29] INFO: Flash usage
    [08:31:29] INFO: -------------------------
    [08:31:29] INFO: used space: 71 blocks
    [08:31:29] INFO: free space: 185 blocks
    [08:31:29] INFO: memory hole: [71-255]
    [08:31:29] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
    [08:31:29] Operation ListFileSystem returned.



    08:35:29] INFO:

    Verification OK
    [08:35:30] INFO: Downloading file "/sys/servicepack.ucf" with size 38160
    [08:35:30] ERROR: Open operation failed
    [08:35:30] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
    [08:35:30] Operation ServicePackProgramming returned.


    [08:35:40] INFO: file start size fail total size filename
    [08:35:40] INFO: index block [BLKs] safe [BLKs]
    [08:35:40] INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [08:35:40] INFO: N/A 0 5 N/A 5 FATFS
    [08:35:40] INFO: 4 5 1 yes 2 /sys/stacfg.ini
    [08:35:40] INFO: 6 7 1 yes 2 /tmp/fcon.frm
    [08:35:40] INFO: 7 9 1 yes 2 /tmp/fcon.ssid
    [08:35:40] INFO: 8 11 1 yes 2 /sys/


    [08:47:47] INFO: 4 5 1 no 1 www/index.html
    [08:47:47] INFO: 6 6 1 no 1 www/blink_led.html





  • 我拿板子测了一下,log如下:
    [10:33:21] Begin ServicePackProgramming operation.
    [10:33:22] INFO: > Executing Operation: Connect
    [10:33:24] INFO: setting break signal
    [10:33:25] INFO: detecting FTDI for device reset
    [10:33:27] INFO: connection succeeded
    [10:33:27] INFO: getting storage list
    [10:33:27] INFO: > Executing Operation: ServicePackProgramming
    [10:33:27] INFO: Path to the service pack file: C:/ti/CC3100_CC3200_ServicePack_1.0.1.14-
    [10:33:27] INFO: reading version info
    [10:33:27] INFO: CC3200R Device detected.
    [10:33:27] INFO: NWP/MAC/PHY Version from Service Pack:
    [10:33:27] INFO: NWP Patch version:
    [10:33:27] INFO: MAC Patch version:
    [10:33:27] INFO: PHY Patch version:
    [10:33:27] INFO: reading version info
    [10:33:27] INFO: DEVICE CC3200 ES1.33
    [10:33:27] INFO: reading version info
    [10:33:28] INFO: reading version info
    [10:33:30] INFO: Downloading file "/sys/servicepack.ucf" with size 38160
    [10:33:32] INFO:

    New Token is 0x0
    [10:33:32] INFO: Download complete
    [10:33:32] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
    [10:33:32] Operation ServicePackProgramming returned.

  • [10:48:36] Begin ServicePackProgramming operation.
    [10:48:37] INFO: > Executing Operation: Connect
    [10:48:39] INFO: setting break signal
    [10:48:40] INFO: detecting FTDI for device reset
    [10:48:41] INFO: connection succeeded
    [10:48:41] INFO: getting storage list
    [10:48:41] INFO: > Executing Operation: ServicePackProgramming
    [10:48:41] INFO: Path to the service pack file: C:/TI/CC3100_CC3200_ServicePack_1.0.1.14-
    [10:48:41] INFO: reading version info
    [10:48:41] INFO: CC3100Z Device detected.
    [10:48:41] INFO: NWP/MAC/PHY Version from Service Pack:
    [10:48:41] INFO: NWP version:
    [10:48:41] INFO: MAC version:
    [10:48:41] INFO: PHY version:
    [10:48:41] INFO: reading version info
    [10:48:41] INFO: DEVICE CC3100 ES1.32
    [10:48:41] INFO: reading version info
    [10:48:43] INFO: downloading NWP CODE
    [10:48:43] INFO: Erase storage FLASH
    [10:48:43] INFO: erase storage succeeded
    [10:48:43] INFO: erase storage completed
    [10:48:44] INFO: Verifying Data...
    [10:48:44] INFO:

    Verification OK
    [10:48:45] INFO: Downloading file "/sys/servicepack.ucf" with size 38160
    [10:48:50] INFO:

    New Token is 0x0
    [10:48:50] INFO: Download complete
    [10:48:50] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
    [10:48:51] Operation ServicePackProgramming returned.

    nwp,mac和phy地址都是0,这是为什么。并且运行什么例子都是不能运行的,只能出现一个标题,这是因为我的servicepack坏了吗,我用的也是最新版的和你的一样,对了,我的设备是CC3100+f5529,能不能让我看看你点击list file system出现的内容。

  • 对了,我是在这个地方detecting FTDI for device reset刚出现的时候按下cc3100上的sw2的,此时显示的下载成功,但是不能用,如果我在刚弹出对话框的时候按下sw2就会出现上述[08:35:30] ERROR: Open operation failed错误,但是此时程序能够正常运行。这个按sw2要在什么时候按才行
  • 请问CC3100开发板的版本以及芯片的具体型号是什么?
  • CC3100BOOST REV 3.3 芯片上写的xcc3100hz 437 zcet g3
  • 果然是版本问题,芯片型号前面带X的说明是 pre-production 版本,该版本支持的最新的SDK和servicepack是:
    ServicePack和SDK 1.10。
  • 非常感谢,我已经能够运行了