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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH6401, LMH5401, LMH3401


  • LMH6401是全差分运放,是可以用于单端到差分的转换的。


  • 在单端输入时幅度随频率下降很快,100M的带宽都没有,并且只有一路有输出,另一路无输出。
  • 自问自答了........经过仔细阅读芯片手册发现LMH6401并不时真正的全差分运放,它不可以用于单端转差分(TINA竟然能仿真,太假了)。下面时芯片手册上的内容截取:
    The LMH6401 inputs must be driven differentially. For single-ended input source applications, care must be taken to select an appropriate balun or fully-differential amplifier (such as the LMH3401 or LMH5401) that can convert single-ended signals into differential signals with
    minimal distortion.
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