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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA213, TPS63036


测量设备:直流电源 IT6932A,电子负载 PRODIGIT 3311F,数字万用表 DMM6500,如下是我测试的数据:

NO. 负载设定电流(mA) 万用表读出电压(mV) 计算电流(mA) 误差 误差占比 NO. 负载设定电流(mA) 万用表读出电压(mV) 计算电流(mA) 误差 误差占比
1 0 3.318 0 0 ---- 10 500 255.205 503.774 3.774 0.75%
2 5 5.786 3.364 -1.636 -32.72% 11 1000 507.479 1008.322 8.322 0.83%
3 10 8.0245 9.413 -0.587 -5.87% 12 1500 759.767 1512.898 12.898 0.86%
4 20 13.067 19.498 -0.502 -2.51% 13 2000 1012.93 2019.224 19.224 0.96%
5 30 18.126 29.616 -0.384 -1.28% 14 3000 1517.37 2998.488 -1.512 -0.05%
6 40 23.143 39.65 -0.35 -0.88% 15 4000 2022.99 4039.344 39.344 0.98%
7 50 28.226 49.816 -0.184 -0.37% 16 5000 2528.96 5051.284 51.284 1.03%
8 100 53.463 100.29 0.29 0.29% 17 6000 3031.55 6056.464 56.464 0.94%
9 150 78.694 150.752 0.752 0.50% 18 7000 3352.09 6697.544 超量程 ----