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OPA454: iso124+opa454

Part Number: OPA454
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO124,

使用ISO124+opa454 :隔离及放大,ISO124 输入和输出接入+/-15V双电源供电,OPA454 采用正60V 单电源供电, iso124 pin13 输出串接27 欧姆,接入OPA454 pin3脚(opa 同向放大器,gain 5倍,pin2接地5k欧姆, pin2 和pin6脚反馈接入20k欧姆),opa454 消耗功率极大,不正常,1. 当将27欧姆改为5k 欧姆,放大才正常,原因是啥?2. 当 iso124  pin27接入0~10v 100hz信号时, opa454 pin6输出为 8~50v,为啥低端为8v?