
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM293, LM393


  • 首先先确定输入是否都在共模电压范围之内,不同的两输入,输出情况在datasheet中都有给出,

    1. When both IN- and IN+ are both within the common-mode range:
    (a) If IN- is higher than IN+ and the offset voltage, the output is low and the output transistor is sinking  current
    (b) If IN- is lower than IN+ and the offset voltage, the output is high impedance and the output transistor is not conducting

    2. When IN- is higher than common-mode and IN+ is within common-mode, the output is low and the output transistor is sinking current

    3. When IN+ is higher than common-mode and IN- is within common-mode, the output is high impedance and  the output transistor is not conducting

    4. When IN- and IN+ are both higher than common-mode, the output is low and the output transistor is sinking current。

  • 感谢你的回答,LM293的共模电压问题我也看过,应该不是这个问题。现在是+输入端小于﹣输入端,比如,+输入端电压4.13V,﹣输入端电压4.35V,结果输出端电压时3.05V(工作电压时8.5V)这个电压会随+端输入电压增大而增大,减小而减小,而不是那种脉冲般的跳变。这才是我纠结的地方。另外,两个输出端,一个驱动三极管,一个驱动门电路。

  • LM293是OC输出,输出端有没有加上拉电阻?我怀疑您的输出端没有上拉,我用TINA仿真了一下,没问题。

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