目前TX power calibration 存在两种模式:OLPC +CPLC 和 OPLC(only),而这两种模式都是根据LUT做出调整的。那么LUT的准确性,就是很重要的一件事情。
1、 采样OLPC +CLPC的模式,自动更新LUT。在这种模式下,问题:
(1) 当前使用环境,肯定只是一个温度段,更新的LUT,是只更新该温度段的增益值,还是整体都需要更新呢?如果是一个段的更新,那么我们想建立这个表,
是不是就是在这个模式下,经历-30 到140 的环境,自动生成这个表?
(2) 更新的准确性,根据我对peak detector calibration了解,
" Peak Detector Calibration
The peak detectors aim at providing an absolute voltage and power reference throughout the radar chip. They allow monitoring of voltage stress on the RF nodes, and quantify the output power at both the TX output and RF inputs. This allows for accurate RF BIST and impedance detector measurements. To make these measurements accurate, the peak detectors must be calibrated for variation in temperature. This calibration is carried out for all critical peak detectors, especially the ones used for TX power calibration.
The peak detectors are calibrated at boot time, and can also be recalibrated at runtime."
” Then, the actual TX power is measured using the peak detectors and the TX stage codes are refined to achieve the desired TX power accuracy.”
我认为 peak detector calibration 以及CPLC对peak detectors 都进行了操作,想了解这两者peak detector 的calibration有什么区别?
2、 采样overwrite the LUT by calling rlTxGainTempLutGet(),这种方式。问题:
(1)overwrite theLUT,从一个设备中把验证稳定的LUT,读取出来,然后写入到其他芯片中。上述的两种模式是不是会修改这个实验中稳定的LUT?