1. Matlab post processing supports data capture only in following modes
a. 4 RX channel, 4 LVDS lanes
b. 2 RX channels, 2 LVDS lanes
c. 1 RX channel, 1 LVDS lane
2. Also, note that the RX channel number and LVDS lane number should match. For e.g. if user wants
data from RX channels 1 and 3, then enabled LVDS lanes should be 1 and 3
这个要求说明如果我想把数据自己放在MATLAB上做算法的话,只能设置为4RX,4LVDS LANES和2RX,2LVDSLANES吗?但是IWR1642ES1.0和DCA1000只能选择2LVDS LANE,意思我就只能设置为2RX 和2LVDSLANES了吗?