你好, 我用UniFlash load image时,会出现错误, 用FormatSFlash 时不会有问题,目前计算机里的系统串口设定也颢示正常. 讯息如下:
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Initialization complete.
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Connecting to COM Port COM7...
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Reset connection to device
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Set break signal
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Connection to COM port succeeded. Flashing can proceed.
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: FORMAT Command: Initiating erase operation of SFLASH storage area.
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: -->Erasing storage [SFLASH]
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:20] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: -->Sending Erase command to device...
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:34] [SUCCESS] Cortex_R4_0: -->Erase storage completed successfully!
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:34] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Disconnecting from device on COM port COM7...
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:34] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Flashing instance clean-up initiated...
[2021/5/14 上午10:54:34] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Instance deinitialized!
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:29] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Initialization complete.
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:29] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Flashing process starting...
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:29] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Connecting to COM Port COM7...
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:29] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Reset connection to device
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:29] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Set break signal
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:49] [ERROR] Cortex_R4_0: Initial response from the device was not received. Please power cycle device before re-flashing.
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:49] [ERROR] Cortex_R4_0: Not able to connect to serial port. Recheck COM port selected and/or permissions.
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:49] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Flashing instance clean-up initiated...
[2021/5/14 上午10:55:49] [INFO] Cortex_R4_0: Instance deinitialized!