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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP-01012, TIDEP-01017, MMWCAS-RF-EVM, MMWCAS-DSP-EVM


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Hello, when I used the cascade radar application for the first time, the products I used were mmwcas-rf-evm (tidep-01012) and mmwcas-dsp-evm (tidep-01017)
Reference mmwave_ studio_ cascade_ user_ guide.pdf
There was a problem with the following steps
5.Booting the EVM
Use Serial terminal application to open the first of the two serial ports enumerate with following
Baud rate : 115200
Data : 8 bit
Parity : None
Stop : 1 bit
Flow Control : None
The above settings are completed and the serial port is connected
The running logs from device should be visible. If not, switch S1 on TDA2XX board should be
pressed to restart the device.
Then the serial terminal will have a lot of information transmission, which is from tda2
Here's the question:
Enter the username as ‘root’ in terminal when prompt.
After I output root at the serial port terminal, the serial port reply is still root
Obtain the IP address of the TDA2XX Host board using “ifconfig” command. By default, it should
be “”. If DHCP is used instead of static IP (default mode), this might be different.
After I output ifconfig at the serial port terminal, the reply from the serial port is still ifconfig
What is the problem? Is the serial port not connected to?
This step cannot be implemented. 6. Formatting the SSD (required for the first time)
Among them, the command of SSD format is useless
Error code:
Arago 2016.12 dra7xx-evm ttyS0
[12:59:49.409] dra7xx-evm login: [ 16.066055] omap_ L3_ noc 44000000.ocp: L3 application error: target 3 mod:2 (unclearable)
[ 16.074240] omap_ L3_ noc 44000000.ocp: L3 debug error: target 3 mod:2 (unclearable)
[13:00:15.887] [ 42.469322] random: nonblocking pool is initialized