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关於5715 stereo, mono问题?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5715

请问使用GDI 工具generate出来的 register table,

Stereo : 0x25 register, {0x01,  0x02,  0x13,  0x45}

Woofer : 0x25,register  {0x01,  0x10,  0x32,  0x45}





0x73, 0x72 以及 0x77, 0x76 register是否也又mix成mono的功能?

有点搞不太懂?Fine Volume又是?



0x51, 0x52 register, 也是否有mix成mono的功能?



  • 你好:

    1.设定0x25,以及Pin 8脚上的PBTL就可以了,这个Pin要拉高。详细解释可以参照如下描述:

    The TAS5715 supports parallel BTL (PBTL) mode with OUT_A/OUT_B (and OUT_C/OUT_D) connected before
    the LC filter. In order to put the part in PBTL configuration, drive PBTL (pin 8) HIGH. This synchronizes the
    turnoff of half-bridges A and B (and similarly C/D) if an overcurrent condition is detected in either half-bridge.
    There is a pulldown resistor on the PBTL pin that configures the part in BTL mode if the pin is left floating.
    PWM output multiplexers should be updated to set the device in PBTL mode. Output Mux Register (0x25) should
    be written with a value of 0x01 10 32 45. Also, the PWM shutdown register (0x19) should be written with a value
    of 0x3A.




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