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ADS1256 1KHz定时采集问题

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1256, OPA4277


  1. 附AD程序:

void AD1256Init()



  1. while(DRDY);
  2. PCout(2)=0;
  3. SPI3_ReadWriteByte(adSELFCAL);
  4. while(DRDY);
  5. PCout(2)=1;
  6. //**********************************
  7. ADS1256WREG(REG_STATUS,0x04); // 高位在前、使用缓冲
  8. ADS1256WREG(REG_ADCON,PGA_2); // 放大倍数2
  9. ADS1256WREG(REG_DRATE,DATARATE_30K); // 数据30Ksps
  10. ADS1256WREG(REG_IO,0x0E);
  11. while(DRDY);
  12. PCout(2)=0;
  13. SPI3_ReadWriteByte(adSELFCAL);
  14. while(DRDY);
  15. PCout(2)=1;


signed int ReadADConvertData(unsigned char channel)


  1. unsigned int sum=0;
  2. while(DRDY);//当ADS1256_DRDY为低时才能写寄存器
  3. ADS1256WREG(REG_MUX,channel); //设置通道
  4. delay_us(2);
  5. PCout(2) = 0;
  6. SPI3_ReadWriteByte(adSYNC);
  7. delay_us(2);
  8. SPI3_ReadWriteByte(adWAKEUP);
  9. delay_us(2);
  10. SPI3_ReadWriteByte(adRDATA);
  11. delay_us(10);
  12. sum |= (SPI3_ReadWriteByte(0xff) << 16);
  13. sum |= (SPI3_ReadWriteByte(0xff) << 8);
  14. sum |= SPI3_ReadWriteByte(0xff);
  15. PCout(2) = 1;
  16. if (sum>0x7FFFFF) // if MSB=1,
  17. {
  18. sum -= 0x1000000; // do 2's complement
  19. }
  20. return sum;


void ADS_Results(float res[3])


  1. int Result,i;
  2. for(i = 0;i <= 2;i++)
  3. {
  4. Result = ReadADConvertData( (i << 4) | NEGTIVE_AINCOM);
  5. res[((i & 0x07)>0)?((i & 0x07) - 1):2] = Result*2.9802325940409414817025043609744e-7;
  6. }

