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BP-DAC11001EVM: Stability of DAC output voltage

Part Number: BP-DAC11001EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC11001B

Hi there,

  I use BP-DAC11001EVM to test the output voltage of dac11001b.the output voltage is about 2.5V, VREFP =5V, VREN=-5V, I tested the output voltage ten times, and the maximum value minus the minimum value is equal to 15uv. However, I found in figure 6-42 of datasheet that the DAC output noise is only about 0.4uv. What methods can be used to improve the stability of the output voltage? thank you

  • 您好,

    0.4uV仅是输出电压噪声,DAC输出还包括其他误差源,比如INL、DNL、zero code error、gain error;

    zero code error在单极性范围是2 LSB,1LSB=FSR/2^20


    zero code error=2*10V/2^20=19uV


  • 你好,我这边其实不关注绝对值的偏差,只想让DAC每次输出比较稳定,和零码偏差和增益误差关系应该不大。现在用八位半的万用表测量DAC的输出,VREFP =5V, VREN=-5V, Vout_set = 2.5V,连续测量十次,这十次的最大值减最小值为15uV,超过1LSB。

  • 建议检查下面方面:


    2、供电电压的纹波及稳定性对DAC输出也有影响,影响参数是Power supply rejection ratio(PSRR),有直流DC PSRR和交流AC PSRR两种指标参数;


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