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ads8332 求助!

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8332

我用arm9 s3c2416系统,在linux下用QT设计开发软件,如何弄啊

  • 我用arm9 s3c2416系统,在linux下用QT设计开发软件,如何弄啊

    ADS8332 + s3c2416

  • 你的问题太泛太大了。难以回答

  • 看到 msp430 + ads8332的定义如下

    #define ADS8332_RESET      P1.7
    #define ADS8332_EOC_INT  P1.6
    #define ADS8332_CDI           P1.6
    #define ADS8332_SCLK        P3.7
    #define ADS8332_CS            P3.6
    #define ADS8332_SDI           P3.5
    #define ADS8332_SDO         P3.4
    #define ADS8332_CONVST        P2.2     

    #define ADS8332_RESET_1        P1OUT |= ADS8332_RESET
    #define ADS8332_RESET_0        P1OUT &=~ADS8332_RESET

    在arm9 linux 下如何配置呢?


    Register Address R/W Description Reset Value

    GPECON 0x56000040 R/W Configures the pins of port E 0x0

    GPEDAT 0x56000044 R/W The data register for port E 0x0

    GPEUDP 0x56000048 R/W Pull-up/down control register for port E 0x55555555

    GPESEL 0x5600004c R/W Selects the function of port E 0x0


    GPE13 [27:26] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = SPICLK0 11 = Reserved

    GPE12 [25:24] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = SPIMOSI0 11 = Reserved

    GPE11 [23:22] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = SPIMISO0 11 = Reserved



    If GPG0–GPG7 will be used for wake-up signals from Sleep/Stop/Deep Stop mode, the ports will be set in EINT.

    Register Address R/W Description Reset Value

    GPGCON 0x56000060 R/W Configures the pins of port G 0x0

    GPGDAT 0x56000064 R/W The data register for port G 0x0

    GPGUDP 0x56000068 R/W Pull-up/down control register for port G 0x55555555


    GPG5 [11:10] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[13] 11 = Reserved

    GPG4 [9:8] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[12] 11 = Reserved

    GPG3 [7:6] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[11] 11 = Reserved

    GPG2 [5:4] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[10] 11 = Reserved

    GPG1 [3:2] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[9] 11 = Reserved

    GPG0 [1:0] 00 = Input 01 = Output

    10 = EINT[8] 11 = Reserved

  • 硬件接线示意图

  • 没发现官网上有相关的ADS8332例程,你可以在社区找找看有没有现成的例程。

  • 我个人觉得这个应该问题需要拿到Processor相关的论坛下进行发帖提问。