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ADS114S08: 问题如下:

Part Number: ADS114S08


But as we discussed over the phone just now, we have found through testing that when I use a millivolt voltage source to directly apply it to the ADC differential input (RC front end), the voltage can also be reached at the ADC inlet and it is an accurate given value, but the ADC cannot read the value; It would be better to connect a pressure sensor in the same situation. What we cannot understand is that for differential input, as long as there is a qualified differential voltage input, ADC should be able to output normally. Mafa can help analyze the reason.

We are currently using capacitors of X7R and X5R, and it seems better to replace them with capacitors of C0G. However, the main differences in this capacitor are temperature drift, accuracy, etc. I do not limit this here because the temperature is stable and the requirements for speed are not high. Could you please help analyze the reason. Thank you.

  • 您好,


    ADS114S08差分输入管脚,两输入管脚的电压分别是多少?PGA设置多少?如下截图所示,ADC输入需要满足两个规格,一个是差分输入范围即VIN = VAINP – VAINN需要在

    –VREF/Gain ~ +VREF/Gain这个范围内,另一个是单端输入范围,这个与增益gain 和最大差分输入电压绝对值|VINMAX。看下您应用的输入是否满足这两个规格呢

    but the ADC cannot read the value;
