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TSW14J57EVM: Setup_TSW14J57ADCFirmware.exe 安装的工程,编译生成的版本文件,提示READ_REGISTER_FAILED 错误

Part Number: TSW14J57EVM

Setup_TSW14J57ADCFirmware.exe 安装后,编译相应的工程;生成的版本文件,通过 High Speed Data Converter Pro 下载到 TSW14J57EVM 之后,提示 READ_REGISTER_FAILED 错误。什么原因导致了这个错误?

  • 您好,


  • HSDC Pro 是否识别到了 TSW14J57EVM

  • 能够识别到TSW14J57EVM。ini 文件内容如下:


    \\ LMF = 4841
    \\ 8 ADC's, 2 ADC's per lane (I & Q)
    \\ Fs = 500MHz, each ADC clocked at 250MHz
    \\ Lane rate = 250 * 10 * 4 = 10Gbps
    Interface name="output_file"
    Number of channels=8
    Channel Pattern=8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

    Data Postprocessing=1:32768
    \\0=bit shift
    \\value(+ve if bitshift by right and -ve if bitshift by left)
    \\E.g 0:-2,1:1024
    \\bitshift by left 2 times and then xor by 1024
    Number of Bits=16
    Max sample Rate=500000000
    \\[Register Address]:[Register Value]:[Number of Bytes to be sent as]
    DLL Version=1.0
    Read EVM Setup Procedure="EVM Setup Procedure not available"
    \\use <> as delimiter for newline

    [Version 1.0]

    JESD IP Core_CS=0
    JESD IP Core_F=4
    JESD IP Core_HD=0
    JESD IP Core_K=16
    JESD IP Core_L=4
    JESD IP Core_M=8
    JESD IP Core_N=16
    JESD IP Core_NTotal=16
    JESD IP Core_S=1
    JESD IP Core_SCR=0
    JESD IP Core_Tailbits=0
    JESD IP Core_LaneSync=1
    JESD IP Core_Subclass=1
    MIF Config= 0.611G to 0.7G:RX:RX_PMA_x5,0.7G to 3.125G:RX:RX_PMA_x10,3.125G to 10.25G:RX:RX_PMA_x40
    \\List of Lane Rate Range,PLL Type and their MIF File names that needs to be configured,separated by ":"
    \\These MIF Files need to be present under MIF Files Folder
    Fabric PLL Counter = 0.611G to 0.7G:0x081010,0.7G to 3.125G:0x080808,3.125G to 10.25G:0x080202
    Invert Sync Polarity = 0
    \\Invert Sync polarity, 1:invert; 0: do not invert
    Invert Serdes Data = 0
    \\Invert Serdes Data, 1:invert; 0: do not invert
    Transceiver Mode = 0
    \\1:xcvr mode; 0: TX/RX only mode

    Lane Mapping=lane0:3,lane1:2,lane2:1,lane3:0

    Group 128 bits Flag = 1
    \\If 1, will group 128 bits from each DDR, and then apply the channel pattern
    \\If this parameter is not present, it will follow the earlier mode used in v2.40
    Bit Packing = 1
    \\0 - Data are not bit packed.
    \\1 - Data are bit packed(MSB aligned) without any padded zeroes

    Bit Packing Channel Pattern = C1S1[15:8],C1S1[7:0],C2S1[15:8],C2S1[7:0],C3S1[15:8],C3S1[7:0],C4S1[15:8],C4S1[7:0],C5S1[15:8],C5S1[7:0],C6S1[15:8],C6S1[7:0],C7S1[15:8],C7S1[7:0],C8S1[15:8],C8S1[7:0]

    \\ With F=1, sample from every other lane.
    \\ With F=2, take 4 samples from lane 0, then 4 from lane 1, 4 from lane 2, ect....

  • 您好,

    “编译生成的版本文件” 您可以详细说明您是怎样生产的吗?具体是什么版本文件?

  • 您好,

    使用的是"" 下载的 "" 工程,使用 quartus 18.1 编译,生成的 output_file.rbf 文件。

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