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ADS7830: 模拟i2c不能正常使用芯片

Part Number: ADS7830

Hello, while working on the design, I encountered some issues for which I couldn't find relevant answers in the forum. When using the ads7830 chip, I noticed that if I don't receive a response from the device address or continue sending commands after receiving a response, the ads7830 fails to collect data properly and returns a value of 0xFF (indicating that the SDA line is pulled high). The software utilizes analog I2C timing, which should normally work fine with other chips. Could you please provide troubleshooting guidance specific to this chip or related chips along with more detailed datasheets or routines? (Please note that due to translation software usage, my problem description may not be clear.)

Looking forward to your reply.

  • 您好,我在做设计时遇到了一些问题,论坛中没有看到相关答案。在我使用ads7830芯片时根据data sheet由mcu发送从设备地址未得到芯片应答或者在应答后继续正常发送命令后ads7830不能正常采集数据,返回值为0xFF(即sda线拉高),软件方面使用的是模拟I2C,时序是其他芯片正常使用的应该没有什么问题。请问能提供相关排查方向以及更详细的datasheet或使用该芯片或者相关芯片的例程供我排查问题吗?(因为使用的是翻译软件,可能问题描述不太清楚)

  • 您好,



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