ADS1292R: RLD_SENS寄存器n(address = 06h)的bits[7:6]该如何配置,有那些相关因素影响

Part Number: ADS1292R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1291, ADS1292


  • 您好

    This register controls the selection of the positive and negative signals from each channel for right leg drive derivation. See the Right Leg Drive (RLD DC Bias Circuit) subsection of the ECG-Specific Functions section for details.

    根据datasheet中的这部分说明,请参考以下部分的选择: Right Leg Drive (RLD DC Bias Circuit) The right leg drive (RLD) circuitry is used as a means to counter the common-mode interference in a ECG system as a result of power lines and other sources, including fluorescent lights. The RLD circuit senses the common-mode of a selected set of electrodes and creates a negative feedback loop by driving the body with an inverted common-mode signal. The negative feedback loop restricts the common-mode movement to a narrow range, depending on the loop gain. Stabilizing the entire loop is specific to the individual user system based on the various poles in the loop. The ADS1291, ADS1292, and ADS1292R integrates the muxes to select the channel and an operational amplifier. All the amplifier terminals are available at the pins, allowing the user to choose the components for the feedback loop. The circuit shown in Figure 40 shows the overall functional connectivity for the RLD bias circuit. The reference voltage for the right leg drive can be chosen to be internally generated (AVDD + AVSS) / 2 or it can be provided externally with a resistive divider. The selection of an internal versus external reference voltage for the RLD loop is defined by writing the appropriate value to the RLDREF_INT bit in the RESP2 register.


  • 没太明白,我仅仅关注bit7和bit6,38页好像没有提前,请在帮忙看看这两位怎么配置,影响因素有哪些

  • 您好

    您看一下我给您分享,是您设计的相关字节确定了PGA频率影响了Right Leg Drive Sense Selection,通过第38页逻辑来匹配相关字段。您所说的哪些因素影响您匹配字段,给您回复是通过38页的相关逻辑。请您参考一下。

  • 这个8. Right Leg Drive (RLD DC Bias Circuit)已经仔细阅读了很多遍,但是没有看出Chop frequency对右腿驱动的影响,是否有专门的页面讲述

    Chop frequency的作用和配置。目前还是不太理解这个改怎么配,