Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3436
Hello experts!
I'm attempting to replicate the content of openSIM (https://github.com/openUC2/UC2_openSIM), but I'm encountering a problem when using a Raspberry Pi 4B (running Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit desktop) to control the dlpdlcr2000evm. The projection is stuck on a welcome screen of the Raspberry Pi
I have used the PCB provided by openSIM to connect the Raspberry Pi and the projector, and I have configured the files following the tutorial. Here are the modifications I made:
I edited /boot/config.txt and added the following lines at the end of the file:
hdmi_timings=640 0 14 4 12 360 0 2 3 9 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 3
I also edited /etc/rc.local and added the following lines before "exit 0":
i2cset -y 11 0x1b 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 i
i2cset -y 11 0x1b 0x0c 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x1b i
export DISPLAY=:0
After rebooting, I was able to project, but it stucked at the welcome screen of the raspberry pi . Interestingly, even when I shut down the Raspberry Pi, it still projected this welcome screen. Disconnecting the power supply of the Raspberry Pi didn't solve it either, so I had to disconnect the dlpdlcr2000evm's power supply.
Initially, I suspected this might be an issue with the Raspberry Pi's own system. Therefore, I connected the Raspberry Pi to an external screen via HDMI. Upon restarting the Raspberry Pi, the screen correctly displayed the Raspberry Pi's desktop, and everything worked fine. This led me to conclude that the Raspberry Pi itself is not the problem.
Furthermore, I learned that many people learn to connect the dlpdlcr2000evm with a Raspberry Pi through this tutorial:
, but unfortunately, I'm unable to access the link provided. Is there any similar tutorial available that you can recommend?
Thank you in advance for your help.