TAX ID error "ERR-TICOM-ORDER-API-0008" with TI store test order

Hi TI,

lately I tried to get the TI API working for my company.

We are mainly interested in the Order API. Therefore, we got an approved TI store API suite request and a completed checkout ID profile.

For the TAX ID: the region is China, we selected the VAT special paper invoice and filled everything in simplified Chinese

With all this, we now tried a test order (on the website and with a python script) and get the following error in both cases:

"errors": [{

"errorCode": "ERR-TICOM-ORDER-API-0008",

"type": "Validation",

"section": "Generic",

"field": null,

"reason": "Invalid VAT/Tax Invoice information.",

"message": "Go back to your China VAT Invoicing section and provide the correct Tax details and resubmit the request.",

"data": null


This was the sent json data (of course with our checkout id):

  "order": {
    "checkoutProfileId": "OUR ID HERE",
    "expediteShipping": false,
    "lineItems": [
        "customerLineItemNumber": 1,
        "tiPartNumber": "NE555DR",
        "quantity": 1

We really don't know why we get this error.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Reference of previous forum question:

  • Hi Waiting, 

    麻烦请问一下这个问题跟您的TI销售代表反馈过吗?或者您也可以联系我们的CSC team给到你正确的TAX 填写方式。

  • We have fixed the error today.

    The problem was that the TAX ID field was greyed out and we couldn't insert our ID.

    The thing that help in the end was auto fill-in. That filled the TAX registration number and now we don't get this error anymore.

    But still this really shouldn't be the solution. So maybe it needs more investigation.

x 出现错误。请重试或与管理员联系。