积压订单 API 状态错误代码的含义是什么?
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Part Number: TI-API
具体场景 |
错误详情 |
补救步骤 |
缺少客户全局标识符 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40004", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerGlobalIdentifier is required. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support)." } |
请联系 API 支持 https://api-portal.ti.com/support. |
缺少客户采购订单 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40010", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier in request." } |
请递交有效的 CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier inPass 请求。 |
缺少客户采购订单或供应商订单 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40016", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier or SupplierOrderIdentifier." } |
请递交有效的CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier 或SupplierOrderIdentifier。 |
客户采购订单无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40020", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 35 characters. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入不超过限制的值。 |
客户采购订单日期无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40030", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderDate {1} is not a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD). Check the date format and resubmit the request.{1} cannot exceed 35 characters." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户全局标识符无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40040", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerGlobalIdentifier is invalid. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support)." } |
请联系 API 支持 https://api-portal.ti.com/support. |
缺少客户Soldto |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40050", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "Provide CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户 Soldto 无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40060", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerSoldToIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
缺少客户Shipto |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40066", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "Provide CustomerShipToIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户Soldto 无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40070", "Type": "ERROR", "Message": "CustomerSoldToIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户终端客户无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40080", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerEndCustomerIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerEndCustomerIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户联系人姓名无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40090", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerContactName {1} cannot exceed 40 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactName in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerContactName。 或使其空白。 |
客户联系人电话号码无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40100", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerContactPhoneNumber {1} cannot exceed 30 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactPhoneNumber in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的CustomerContactPhoneNumber。 或使其空白。 |
客户联系人电子邮件地址超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40110", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerContactEmailAddress {1} cannot exceed 132 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerContactEmailAddress。 或使其空白。 |
客户联系人电子邮件地址无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40120", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerContactEmailAddress {1} is not valid. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerContactEmailAddress。 或使其空白。 |
客户ESignature 无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40130", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerESignature {1} cannot exceed 60 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerESignature in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的CustomerESignature。 或使其空白。 |
客户认证声明无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40140", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerCertificationStatement {1} cannot exceed 4000 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerCertificationStatement in the request." } |
请按需递交有效的CustomerCertificationStatement。 或使其空白。 |
客户订单属性密钥超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40150", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerOrderAttributes Key {1} and Value {2} cannot exceed 60 characters as the combined total length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerOrderAttributes in the request." } |
请按需为客户订单属性递交有效的密钥和Value对。 或使其空白。 |
缺少客户采购订单行项目号 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40156", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Provide CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户采购订单行项目号超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40160", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber {2} cannot exceed 6 characters in length. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber and resubmit the request. " } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户商品更改指示符无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40164", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerItemChangeIndicator {2} is invalid. Use "I" for Insert, "U" for Update, or "X" for Cancel and resubmit the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerItemChangeIndicator。 |
客户商品送货地址标识符超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40166", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerItemShipToIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerItemShipToIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerItemShipToIdentifier。 |
缺少供应商产品标识符 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40168", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Provide SupplierProductIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
供应商产品标识符超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40170", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "SupplierProductIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check SupplierProductIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户产品标识符超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40180", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerProductIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerProductIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerProductIdentifier。 |
缺少客户预期单价 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40190", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Provide CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户预期单价超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40200", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerExpectedUnitPrice {2} cannot exceed 12 characters in length. Check CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户预期单价无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40210", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerExpectedUnitPrice {2} must be a number. Check CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户合格证书无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40220", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerCertificateOfConformance {2} must be of value "YES", "Y", or blank string "". Check CustomerCertificateOfConformance and resubmit the request." } |
请按需递交有效的 CustomerCertificateOfConformance。 |
客户项目属性密钥超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40230", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerItemAttributes Key {2} and Value {3} cannot exceed 60 characters as the combined total length. Pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerItemAttributes in request." } |
请按需为 CustomerItemAttributes 传递有效的密钥和 Value 对。 |
客户政府合同号超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40240", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerGovernmentContractNumber {2}, CustomerGovernmentRating {3}, and CustomerGovernmentQuantity {4} cannot exceed 56 characters as the combined total length. Pass a valid CustomerGovernmentContractNumber, CustomerGovernmentRating, and CustomerGovernmentQuantity in request." } |
请按需递交有效的CustomerGovernmentContractNumber, CustomerGovernmentRating, 和 CustomerGovernmentQuantity。 |
客户请求数量超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40250", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerRequestedQuantity {2} cannot exceed 10 characters in length. Check CustomerRequestedQuantity and resubmit the request." } |
客户应递交不超过限制的值。 |
客户请求数量无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40260", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerRequestedQuantity {2} must be an integer. Check CustomerRequestedQuantity and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户请求日期无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40270", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerRequestedDate {2} is not a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD). Check CustomerRequestedDate and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
客户预期价格货币代码超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40280", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerExpectedPriceCurrencyCode {2} should be between 3 and 5 characters in length. Check CustomerExpectedPriceCurrencyCode and resubmit the request." } |
客户应输入有效内容。 |
系统错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-50000", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "System error occurred. Execution ID: execution-8405c55b-b05b-44cf-b0b6-75624ff3ce2f-2020.03.26. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support) with the execution ID." } |
请使用执行id联系API 支持 https://api-portal.ti.com/support。 |
JSON 输入无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-API-40002", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Invalid JSON input. Correct the JSON input and retry or contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support) for assistance." } |
更正 JSON 输入并重试。 |
系统错误响应 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOR-50000", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "System error occurred. Execution ID: execution-8405c55b-b05b-44cf-b0b6-75624ff3ce2f-2020.03.26. Contact TI API Support (https://api-portal.ti.com/support) with the execution ID." } |
请使用执行id联系API 支持 https://api-portal.ti.com/support。 |
API 不可用 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOR-51000", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "This API is currently unavailable between yyyy-mm-dd ##:##and yyyy-mm-dd ##:##CST. Retry at a later time." } |
请稍后重试。 |
采购订单标识符或供应商订单标识符无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOR-40016", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier or SupplierOrderIdentifier.." } |
请按需输入有效的CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier 和/或SupplierOrderIdentifier。 |
客户采购订单标识符超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40020", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
请按需缩短 CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier。 |
供应商订单标识符超出长度 |
{ "Code": "TI-SOC-40060", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "SupplierOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 10 characters in length. Check SupplierOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request." } |
请缩短SupplierOrderIdentifier。 |
无数据错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-001", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "No data found." } |
请求的客户采购订单号或 TI 订单号无效。 请输入有效的采购订单号或 TI 订单号。 |
业务合作伙伴无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-002", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "<XXX> is not a valid Business Partner." } |
TI 客户标识符无效或在我们的系统中不存在。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm。 |
订单错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-003", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Error reading data for order." } |
客户采购订单号无效、未找到 TI 订单号。 请输入有效的采购订单号。 |
订单号无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-004", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "<xxx> is not a valid order number." } |
请求的 TI 订单号无效。 请输入有效的 TI 订单号。 |
定价错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-005", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Pricing could not be determined." } |
仅供参考。 无需采取任何措施。 TI 定价设置缺失,请稍后再次检查。 |
项目未计划完成 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-006", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item is not fully scheduled." } |
仅供参考。 无需采取任何措施。 TI 规划者将分配至 ESD。 |
PO 编号丢失 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-007", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer PO number is required." } |
客户采购订单号为必填项。 请输入采购订单号。 |
此项目的更改指示符无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-011", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Only action type Insert (I) is allowed." } |
请求的变更单行项目指示符无效,必须为“插入”(I)才能执行此操作。 |
复制 PO 项目 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-012", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "PO Item already present on the order. Action should be Update (U)." } |
客户采购订单项目存在,更改订单行项目指示器必须为“更新”(U)才能执行此操作。 |
变更单上 PO 项目缺失 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-013", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": " PO Item is not present on the order. Action should be Insert (I)." } |
客户采购订单项目不存在。 更改订单行项目指示符必须为"插入"(I)才能执行此操作。 |
业务合作伙伴为必填 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-014", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Business partner is required." } |
我们的系统中不存在客户的业务合作伙伴。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
无效sold to |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-015", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": " Customer Sold To is not valid or cannot be changed." } |
客户的sold to无法更改或无效。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
无效Sold to |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-016", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer Sold To is not valid." } |
客户sold to无效。请输入有效的sold to或联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
终端客户无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-017", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "End customer number is not valid or cannot be changed." } |
终端客户编号不能更改或无效。 请联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
终端客户编号无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-018", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "End customer number is not valid." } |
终端客户编号无效。 请输入有效的客户编号或联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
Shipto编号无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-019", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer Ship To is not valid." } |
客户收货地址无效。 请输入有效的收货地址或联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
不允许更改客户器件型号 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-020", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Changing Customer Part Number is not allowed." } |
请求的变更无效,不允许在现有项目上更改客户器件型号。 |
不允许更改材料 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-021", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Changing material on the item is not allowed." } |
请求的更改无效,不允许更改现有项目上的材料。 |
Shipto和soldto销售区域不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-022", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer Ship to is not in the same sales area as Sold To." } |
客户送货地址与销售地址不在同一销售区域,请联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm。 |
缺失客户 soldto |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-023", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer Sold To is required." } |
客户sold to为必填项,请重新输入或联系客户支持部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
客户和供应商无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-024", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "No customer found for vendor." } |
找不到客户,请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
无效客户 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-025", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customers are not valid." } |
缺少有效客户Sold to |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-026", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Sold to customer is not valid." } |
客户sold to无效,请重新输入或联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
缺少有效客户Ship to |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-027", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Ship to customer is not valid." } |
客户ship to无效,请重新输入或联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
客户Ship to 无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-028", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Ship to customer could not be determined." |
无法确定客户收货地址,请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
终端客户无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-029", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "End Customers is not valid." |
终端客户无效,请重新输入或联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
soldto 和 Shipto 销售区域不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-030", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Soldto and Shipto are not in the same Sales Area." } |
客户销售和收获地的销售区域不同,请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
soldto 和终端客户销售区域不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-030", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Soldto and Shipto are not in the same Sales Area." } |
客户销售地和终端客户的销售区域不同,请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
材料无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-033034", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Material is not valid." |
请求的材料无效,请输入有效材料。 |
该过程的材料无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-033035", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "(xxx) is not valid for this process." |
材料(xxx)在此过程中无效,请输入有效材料。 |
负价格错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-036", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer expected price cannot be negative." |
负价格无效,请输入有效的客户预期价格。 |
价格无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-037", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer Expected Price is not valid." } |
请输入有效的客户预期价格。 |
价格无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-038", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Overflow error occurred when processing Customer expected price." } |
请输入有效的客户预期价格。 |
缺少计划行 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-039", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Schedule lines are missing." } |
请输入计划行日期和数量。 |
缺少计划行数量 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-041", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Enter schedule line quantity." } |
请输入计划行数量。 |
计划行数量无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-042, "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Schedule Line Quantity is not a whole number." } |
计划行数量必须为整数。 |
计划行数量必须为有效数量 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-043", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Schedule Line Quantity is negative or is equal to zero." } |
计划行数量须大于零。 |
数量太大 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-044", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Quantity Field Overflow. The quantity should be < 9,999,999,999." } |
数量无效。 必须介于1和9,999,999,999之间。 请输入有效数量。 |
计划行日期不唯一 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-045", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Duplicate Request date found on the schedule lines." } |
在按需输入唯一的 CustomerRequestedDate。 |
行项目必须存在 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-046", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Line Items are missing." } |
客户请求日期必须是唯一的,发现重复的请求日期。 请重新输入有效日期,然后重试。 |
商品总数量无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-048", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Total Item quantity cannot be reduced below total Delivered quantity." } |
总商品数量必须大于或等于配送数量。 |
变更下单窗口约束 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-049", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "No changes allowed in the Change Order Window." } |
“变更下单”窗口中不允许更改,请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
价格不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-051", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Customer expected price mismatch with TI price." } |
客户预期的价格与 TI 直接价格不匹配。 请使用正确的价格发送采购订单进行更改。 如需帮助:请联系客户服务https://support.ti.com/csm. |
行项目不能被拒绝 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-052", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Delivery created against the line item. Line cannot be rejected." } |
此行项目已配送,没有可用的进一步操作。 |
终端客户和Soldto销售区域不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-053", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "End Customer is not in the same sales area as Sold To" } |
终端客户与Soldto销售区域不同。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
变更请求:采购订单行项目与采购订单项目不同 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-054", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "PO Items on the request do not match the Order Number." } |
此变更请求中的采购订单行项目与订单行项目不匹配,无法处理变更。 |
采购订单或 TI 订单号无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-055", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Order and Customer Purchase Order numbers do not match." } |
客户采购订单号或 TI 订单号无效。 请验证这两个值并重新输入。 |
变更请求行项目已取消 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-056", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Line item is cancelled; Update is not allowed." } |
订单行项目处于"已取消"状态,无法更新。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
更改请求行项目Shipto无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-058", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item Ship To is not valid." } |
订单行项目Shipto请求的行项目无效。 |
商品数量已更改 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-059", "Type": "INFO" "Message": "Item quantity changed to reflect delivery quantity." } |
商品数量已更改以反映配送数量。 |
不允许更改 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-060", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item is completely delivered; No changes allowed." } |
商品已完全配送,不允许更改。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
订单更改错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-061", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Error(s) encountered when changing the order." } |
更改订单时遇到错误。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
此商品的 TI 工作流程错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-062", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item & is in TI workflow and is blocked from any changes." |
Item <xxx> 位于 TI 工作流程中,无法进行任何更改。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
缺少材料或客户器件型号 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-063", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Material or Customer part number is required." } |
SupplierProductIdentifier为必填项。 请输入有效的材料。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
计划行数量无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-064", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Schedule line quantity does not meet minimum rules." } |
计划行数量不符合最低规则。 |
更改正在处理的已拒绝订单 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-065", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Order is in process by another user; Changes are rejected." } |
其他用户正在处理订单,更改被拒绝。 请联系客户服务部门https://support.ti.com/csm. |
请求的日期无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-066", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Request Date on the schedule line is outside the horizon." } |
客户请求日期超出日期范围,请重新输入有效日期并重试。 |
客户采购订单号对于此更改无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-067", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "No match found for Customer PO number." } |
客户采购订单号对于此更改无效。 请验证该值并重新输入。 |
客户采购订单项目拆分请求的变更 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-068", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item Split requested; Action should be Update (U)." } |
对于此操作,客户采购订单项目拆分请求的变更订单行项目指示符必须为"插入"(U)。 |
采购订单行项目已取消 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-069", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Reference Line Item is cancelled; Action is not allowed." } |
采购订单行项目已取消。 不允许操作。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
采购订单不能拆分 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-070", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Maximum number of line items reached in the order; cannot be split." } |
采购订单不能拆分,已达到最大行项目数。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
采购订单被拒绝 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-071", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Order in Rejected status; Item will not be added." } |
采购订单处于"已拒绝"状态。 无法添加项目,请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
采购订单项目无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-072", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Error in PO Item." } |
采购订单项目出错。 请输入有效的项目编号。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
已达到最大行项目数 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-073", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Maximum number of line items reached in the order; item is not added." } |
已达到采购订单最大行项目数。 无法添加更多项目。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
TI 已发起更改 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-074", "Type": "iINFO" "Message": "Supplier initiated change." } |
仅供参考。 无需采取任何措施。 TI 已对此订单进行更改。 |
请求日期无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-075", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Request Date is not valid." } |
客户请求日期无效。 请输入有效日期。 |
采购订单项目错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-076, "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "PO Item already exists on an order. Line Item is not created." } |
订单中已存在采购订单行项目号。 未创建行项目。 |
请求日期与预计配送日期不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-077", "Type": "INFO" "Message": "Customer Request Date is not the same as Estimated Delivery Date." } |
仅供参考。 无需采取任何措施。 请求日期与预计配送日期不匹配。 |
缺少采购订单项目 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-079", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "PO Item is required." } |
采购订单项目为必填项。 请输入有效的项目编号。 |
重复的采购订单项目号 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-080", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Duplicate PO items found on the request." } |
重复的采购订单项目号,请重新输入有效的项目号。 |
缺少行项目更改指示符 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-081", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item Action is blank and is not valid." } |
请求中缺少有效的行项目更改指示符:需要插入(I)、更新(U)或取消(X)。 |
未找到采购订单行项目 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-082", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Reference line item is not found." } |
未找到采购订单行项目。 |
不允许采购订单行项目拆分。 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-083", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Reference line has error and will not be split." } |
采购订单行项目出错,不允许拆分。 |
缺少政府合同编号 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-084", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Government Contract Number is not populated; Rating has not been applied." } |
请递交有效的政府合同编号,目前为缺失或无效。 |
缺失有效eSignature或无效。 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-085", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "eSignature is not populated; Rating has not been applied." } |
请递交有效的 eSignature 值,目前缺失或无效。 |
缺失有效认证声明或无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-086", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Certification Statement is not populated; Rating has not been applied." } |
请递交有效的认证声明,目前缺失或无效。 |
有效认证声明缺失或无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-087", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Government Quantity is not populated; Rating has not been applied." } |
请递交政府数量,目前缺失或无效。 |
政府评级缺失或无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-088", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Government Rating is not populated; Rating has not been applied." } |
请递交有效的政府评级,目前缺失或无效。 |
商品数量与政府额定数量不匹配 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-089", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Item quantity does not match rated quantity; Rating has not been applied." } |
商品数量与政府额定数量不匹配。 请输入政府评级。 |
政府合同编号无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-090", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Multiple values found for Government Contract Number." } |
政府合同编号不唯一。 请验证并重新输入有效值。 |
政府评级无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-TXT-091", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Multiple values found for Government Rating." } |
政府评级不唯一。 请验证并重新输入有效值。 |
缺少计划行 |
{ "Code": "TI-V1-335", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "System error: Schedule line <xxx> for item <xxx> does not exist." } |
计划行和项目号不匹配。 系统错误:项目<xxx> 的计划行<xxx> 不存在。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
变更订单窗口错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-ZV-267", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "No changes allowed in the Change Order Window (COW) for item <xxx>." } |
对于商品<xxx> 来说,"更改订单"窗口(COW)不允许更改。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
无法订购材料,但可以发货 |
{ "Code": "TI-V1-028", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Material <xxx> has status: not OKO & OK to Ship." } |
材料状态:材料<xxx> 具有状态:<xxx>。 请输入新材料或联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
配送完成无效 |
{ "Code": "TI-ZS-018", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Ship complete invalid with multiple request lines." } |
无效的配送完成,每行项目找到多个计划行,请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
不包括材料 |
{ "Code": "TI-V1-117", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "Material <xxx> has been excluded." } |
材料<xxx> 已排除。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |
材料可用性日期错误 |
{ "Code": "TI-V1-067", "Type": "ERROR" "Message": "The material availability date cannot be after the delivery date." } |
交货日期超出或超过物料供应日期。 请联系客户服务部门 https://support.ti.com/csm. |